| - This Song was developed by Kurogane himself for the Planet Regeneration Project and serves as one of the most essential steps for its execution. Basically, it serves as multi-process hymn that executes the following: 1) Transforming Tyria into the Tower of Harvestasha, through the rewriting of special RAM areas of her Triangular Nuclear Loop through a principle similar to the one used in EXEC_FLIP. 2) Creating Harvestasha VISTA through the duplication of Harvestasha XP. 3) Installing the Main-Field Goal Algorithm in both Harvestashas. However, the Song was interrupted when it was reaching its climax because Kurogane committed suicide in front of Tyria. This caused such a large trauma to her that Tyria ended forgetting everything that happened in that moment, including the half of the Song she hadn't sung yet. Due to this, the first half of the Song can be heard echoing in several sections of the Tower, which ends degenerating into a bunch of static noises and looping back to the beginning. This also caused the Third Tower to be created incompletely, leaving it unable to accomplish its functions. Despite the first process being left incomplete and the third process being left impossible to execute, Harvestasha VISTA was indeed successfully created, and most of the essential facilities of the Third Tower were created complete as well. During the events of Ar tonelico Qoga: Knell of Ar Ciel, and thanks to Aoto's intervention, Tyria managed to remember the rest of the Song, and she sang it to program both Harvestashas with the information they needed to accomplish the Planet Regeneration Project. This also set up the Tower to be completed with the energy that Cocona gave them through METHOD HYMMELI/.. The feelings that this Song contains are based from a short story taken from a book that Kurogane titled "dhezeall" (prisoner in Hymmnos language). In fact, this is the second part to the story, while the first part is found in EXEC_COSMOFLIPS/.. Also, as a side note, this song seems to describe the duty of the Antibodies, although they didn't first appear until many years later, so maybe Kurogane foresaw their coming into existence. Curiously enough, this Song also underwent a Hymmnos Fusion thanks to the multiple changes Tyria's heart went through during the long span of 700 years between her two attempts at singing it. Finally, this is the song to which Ayatane Michitaka referred when he told Mir about a Song of Hope.. He also knew it because Clustania had a copy of this Song in their power, which they intended to Download in a Reyvateil capable of handling it if ever they found one, so they Third Tower could be completed. Also known as Riversia Protocol.