| - Madison will not attempt to give the Machine Empire Decepticons, Cybermen, Borg, Toclafane, Daleks, Cylons, Replicants, Terminators, or any other mecha from other franchises. Nor will she attempt to get them any. If she does, then she will get in trouble by her moher, Sandy. In the living room, Sandy glared at her daughter, Madison. She was very angry at her because she got the Machine Empire Decepticons, Cybermen, Borg, Toclafane, Daleks, Cylons, Replicants, and Terminators to increase their forces! "Why did you give the Machine Empire these creatures?" Sandy demanded. Darrin gasped in horror.
| - Madison will not attempt to give the Machine Empire Decepticons, Cybermen, Borg, Toclafane, Daleks, Cylons, Replicants, Terminators, or any other mecha from other franchises. Nor will she attempt to get them any. If she does, then she will get in trouble by her moher, Sandy. In the living room, Sandy glared at her daughter, Madison. She was very angry at her because she got the Machine Empire Decepticons, Cybermen, Borg, Toclafane, Daleks, Cylons, Replicants, and Terminators to increase their forces! "Why did you give the Machine Empire these creatures?" Sandy demanded. "Mom, i gave them those creatures so that their forces would be increased!" Madison tried to explain. "You were not supposed to do that, Madison" Sandy shouted. "And because of this, the Machine Empire now has their forces increased!" Darrin gasped in horror. "I'm not in trouble, Mom! Am i?" Madison asked. "No. You're not." Gumball said. "Well, you heard what I said, missy. And because of that, you will be sent to bed for a year!" Sandy cried. Madison got extremely furious. She glared at Sandy and told her, "You are as mean and stupid and evil as Zach Watson!!" Sandy gasped at what her daughter had said. Madison then ran away from home in tears with Gumball following her. "Madison, stop!" Sandy warned, but Madison didn't listen to her. She already left the house in sorrow. "Madison!" Sandy's anger turned into sadness. She began to cry with Phillip consoling her. "Oh, Madison, what have I done to you? I didn't mean to make you run away like that." Sandy sobbed. "I'm sorry. I'm so very sorry."