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| - Richard Maynarde
- Richard Maynarde
| - Richard Maynarde ist ein Mensch des 17. Jahrhunderts. Er dient im Jahre 1638 der machthungrigen Lady Peinforte und begleitet sie auf einer Zeitreise ins Jahr 1988.
- Richard Maynarde was Lady Peinforte's servant. A competent archer and warrior, he was fiercely loyal to her, but had misgivings about her plans to go forward in time from the 17th century to the year 1988. Nevertheless, he did as he was told and accompanied her. Although Lady Peinforte herself adjusted well enough to the new time period, Richard's stout heart and courage were tested at every turn by unfamiliar surroundings and technology, and he repeatedly advised his lady to give up her quest for the Nemesis and return them home to 1638. His pleas fell on deaf ears.
- He served Lady Peinforte in her pursuit of the Statue of Nemesis, a statue of validium from Gallifrey which she had shaped herself. The Seventh Doctor launched it into space on a rocket-sled. Unknown to Richard and Peinforte, they travelled through a time storm created by Fenric to 1988. They arrived in Peinforte's house, which had been turned into a cafe. They then went to see Peinforte's tomb. Though her body was not there, the statue was. The Cybermen had moved it there. When deFlores arrived, Richard gave him the arrow and took Peinforte to safety against her wishes.
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| - To assist Lady Peinforte in acquiring the Nemesis.
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| - Gamekeeper of Lady Peinforte's estate.
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| - Richard Maynarde was Lady Peinforte's servant. A competent archer and warrior, he was fiercely loyal to her, but had misgivings about her plans to go forward in time from the 17th century to the year 1988. Nevertheless, he did as he was told and accompanied her. Although Lady Peinforte herself adjusted well enough to the new time period, Richard's stout heart and courage were tested at every turn by unfamiliar surroundings and technology, and he repeatedly advised his lady to give up her quest for the Nemesis and return them home to 1638. His pleas fell on deaf ears. He accompanied Lady Peinforte to the abandoned warehouse where the Cybermen were keeping the Nemesis. The Doctor activated the statue's power, and a desperate Lady Peinforte leaped into the rocket sled with it and was absorbed by its immense power before the Doctor launched it into space to destroy the fleet of the Cybermen. As the Cyber Leader prepared to kill the Doctor in revenge, Richard saw one of Lady Peinforte's arrows stuck in the door of the TARDIS, having been fired into it by his now-dead mistress earlier. Pulling it loose, Richard fired it into the Cyber Leader, killing him. In return for saving the Doctor's life, Richard was given a ride in the TARDIS back to his home time of 1638 at his own request.
- Richard Maynarde ist ein Mensch des 17. Jahrhunderts. Er dient im Jahre 1638 der machthungrigen Lady Peinforte und begleitet sie auf einer Zeitreise ins Jahr 1988.
- He served Lady Peinforte in her pursuit of the Statue of Nemesis, a statue of validium from Gallifrey which she had shaped herself. The Seventh Doctor launched it into space on a rocket-sled. Unknown to Richard and Peinforte, they travelled through a time storm created by Fenric to 1988. They arrived in Peinforte's house, which had been turned into a cafe. Seeing this "horrible" future with its strange people and things, he wished to return to their own time, but Lady Peinforte would not leave without the statue. A battle broke out between the Cybermen and De Flores' neo-nazis, who also wanted the Nemesis. She killed two Cybermen with arrows and Richard killed one himself. Peinforte took him to see his own grave, which stood just outside Windsor Castle. They then went to see Peinforte's tomb. Though her body was not there, the statue was. The Cybermen had moved it there. When deFlores arrived, Richard gave him the arrow and took Peinforte to safety against her wishes. When they returned to seek the Nemesis, Peinforte went mad when the Doctor gave the Nemesis to the Cyber-Leader instead of her. She merged with the Nemesis and was destroyed in space when the Nemesis destroyed the Cyber-Fleet. The Doctor and Ace returned Richard to his own time. He died on 2 November 1657 at the age of 50. (TV: Silver Nemesis)
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