This page shows the appearance of all the transcript templates available for use (and how to use them) when making or editing the pages listed here. Usage is simple: There are three special cases (all occurring in the example transcript below):
This page shows the appearance of all the transcript templates available for use (and how to use them) when making or editing the pages listed here. Usage is simple: <nowiki></nowiki> There are three special cases (all occurring in the example transcript below):
This page shows the appearance of all the transcript templates available for use (and how to use them) when making or editing the pages listed here. Usage is simple: <nowiki></nowiki> There are three special cases (all occurring in the example transcript below):
* For characters who don't have a template, and are unlikely to be recurring and/or not important enough to need one, use the Generic template: <nowiki></nowiki>
* For narration boxes, use the Yellow template: <nowiki> |colspan="2" align="center" bgcolor="#FFFF00" style="border:2px solid #F8B800;"|These are the narrator’s lines. </nowiki>
* For other narrative purposes, use the Narrative template: <nowiki></nowiki>