The UNSC Security Committee is a committee of the UNSC High Command based in Sydney, Australia that helps run the UNSC Defense Force. Their meeting room is at the bottom of the underground chamber of HIGHCOM Facility Bravo-6 and contains a crescent-shaped table behind double doors guarded by two battle-ready MPs. As of 3 March 2558, known members of the committee included the following:
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- UNSC Security Committee
| - UNSC 保安委員会は、シドニー(UNSC国防軍を運営するのを援助するオーストラリア)に拠点を置くUNSC 最高司令部の委員会である。 彼らの会議室は最高司令部ブラボー6の地下最奥部にあり、2人の衛兵によって警備される両開き戸の奥に、三日月形のテーブルがあった。 2558年3月3日時点で委員会には以下のメンバーで構成されていた。
* 議長: 艦隊提督 テレンス・フッド,海軍作戦部長
* UNSC陸軍: 少将 ニコラス・シュトラウス
* 海軍情報局: 提督 セリン・オスマン
* UNSC海兵隊: 将軍 ホーガン
* UNSC空軍: 将軍 デリエット
- The UNSC Security Committee is a committee of the UNSC High Command based in Sydney, Australia that helps run the UNSC Defense Force. Their meeting room is at the bottom of the underground chamber of HIGHCOM Facility Bravo-6 and contains a crescent-shaped table behind double doors guarded by two battle-ready MPs. As of 3 March 2558, known members of the committee included the following:
- The UNSC Security Committee is a UNSC HIGHCOM committee consisting of ten high ranking officials, each repersenting major organizations within the UNSC. The committee is based in Sydney, Australia and helps run the UNSC Defense Force. Their meeting room is at the bottom of the underground chamber of UNSC HighCom Facility Bravo-6 and contains a crescent-shaped table behind double doors guarded by twelve battle-ready MPs. Known members (Current and former) of the committee are: Chairman: Fleet Admiral Sir Terrence Hood, Chief of Naval Operations UNSC Marine Corps: Major General Nicolas Strauss
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| - UNSC 保安委員会は、シドニー(UNSC国防軍を運営するのを援助するオーストラリア)に拠点を置くUNSC 最高司令部の委員会である。 彼らの会議室は最高司令部ブラボー6の地下最奥部にあり、2人の衛兵によって警備される両開き戸の奥に、三日月形のテーブルがあった。 2558年3月3日時点で委員会には以下のメンバーで構成されていた。
* 議長: 艦隊提督 テレンス・フッド,海軍作戦部長
* UNSC陸軍: 少将 ニコラス・シュトラウス
* 海軍情報局: 提督 セリン・オスマン
* UNSC海兵隊: 将軍 ホーガン
* UNSC空軍: 将軍 デリエット
- The UNSC Security Committee is a committee of the UNSC High Command based in Sydney, Australia that helps run the UNSC Defense Force. Their meeting room is at the bottom of the underground chamber of HIGHCOM Facility Bravo-6 and contains a crescent-shaped table behind double doors guarded by two battle-ready MPs. As of 3 March 2558, known members of the committee included the following:
* Chairman: Fleet Admiral Sir Terrence Hood, Chief of Naval Operations
* UNSC Army liaison: Major General Nicolas Strauss
* Office of Naval Intelligence liaison: Admiral Serin Osman
* UNSC Marine Corps liaison: General Hogan
* UNSC Air Force liaison: General Dellert
- The UNSC Security Committee is a UNSC HIGHCOM committee consisting of ten high ranking officials, each repersenting major organizations within the UNSC. The committee is based in Sydney, Australia and helps run the UNSC Defense Force. Their meeting room is at the bottom of the underground chamber of UNSC HighCom Facility Bravo-6 and contains a crescent-shaped table behind double doors guarded by twelve battle-ready MPs. Known members (Current and former) of the committee are: Chairman: Fleet Admiral Sir Terrence Hood, Chief of Naval Operations Vice Chairman: Vice Admiral Danforth Whitcomb, Deputy Chief of Naval Operations (Deceased) UNSC Marine Corps: Major General Nicolas Strauss UNSC Military Intelligence Division: Vice Admiral Margaret O. Parangosky UNSC Army: Major General Ali Akram UNSC Air Force: Lieutenant General Achak Clark Unified Earth Goverment (UEG): Secretary of Defense Linda Ortega
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