| - Dorastał na ulicy, a do bractwa dołączył, kiedy był nastolatkiem, zaraz po tym jak spotkał İshaka Paszę. Wspomagał Ezio Auditore da Firenze w walce z bizantyńskimi templariuszami, podczas jego pobytu w Konstantynopolu, w wyniku czego zostali dobrymi przyjaciółmi, mimo krótkiej znajomości, która trwała do śmierci Yusufa w marcu 1512 roku.
- Yusuf Tazim wurde 1467 in Bursa geboren. Seit seiner Geburt wuchs er unter Assassinen auf und stieg dann 1511 in ihren Reihen zum Anführer der osmanischen Assassinenbruderschaft auf.
- Yusuf Tazim (1467 – 1512) was the deuteragonist in the latest installation in the Assassin's Creed video game series, Assassin's Creed: Revelations. He was a Master Assassin, and the leader of the Ottoman Assassins, operating primarily in the Empire's capital of Constantinople. He was involved in the fight against the Byzantine Templars during the early 1510s, and aided Ezio Auditore da Firenze – a Mentor in the Assassin Order and leader of the Italian Assassins – during his stay in Constantinople.
- Yusuf Tazim (c. 1467 – 1512) was the leader of the Ottoman Brotherhood of Assassins, operating primarily in the Imperial capital of Constantinople. Born as the son of an Assassin, Yusuf was raised on the streets, and joined the Order in his late teens after meeting Ishak Pasha. He is also an ancestor of Emir. He was involved in the fight against the Byzantine Templars during the early 1510s, and aided Ezio Auditore da Firenze – the Mentor of the Italian Brotherhood – during his stay in Constantinople.