| - Convoy Missions are side-missions in Far Cry 2 which can be started at a weapon shop when the player is not on another mission. In each chapter, there are 4 of these missions, and after completing each one, new weapons become available at the weapon shop for the player to buy. In every convoy mission, the arms dealer tells the player that his rivals are bringing in shipments of low quality AK-47s and other low-grade weapons from a certain quarter of the map. The player is tasked with going to that area, waiting for the convoy to pass by, and destroying the truck carrying the weapons by any means necessary, whether it be tactically, such as with a Type 63 Mortar, an IED, or an RPG from a distance, or all-guns-blazing with a grenade launcher or even hand grenades. The truck does not need to be blown up — as long as the engine spews black smoke, or the driver dies, the convoy mission is completed. Though the arms dealer says that the convoys are making deliveries to rivals, the convoys simply travel on a circuit and thus, will never actually arrive anywhere. This can be taken advantage of by simply waiting at a location the truck has already passed and setting up some means to stop it, possibly a roadblock made from a few vehicles or simply placing an IED.