| - Sentinel Prime receives a warning from Optimus not to proceed to Dinobot Island. Optimus suspects Blackarachnia's involvement and hasn't told Sentinel about the fate of Elita-1. Sentinel ignored the order. He orders Jetfire and Jetstorm to create a diversion to distract the Dinobots who are guarding the door. They disable Snarl and lead Grimlock and Swoop away. Sentinel heads into the base where he confronts Blackarachnia and learns her former identity but, because of his fear and hate towards organics, is disgusted and attacks her. The Transwarp device overloads and Wasp emerges from the chamber as a large wasp. He transforms into robot mode and announces that he is now Waspinator. Bumblebee and Optimus arrive on the scene. Bumblebee confronts Waspinator and apologizes for falsely accusing him. Waspinator's voice temporarily changes back to Wasp's and he says he forgives "Bumble-bot". Then it changes back to Waspinator's and he screams that Waspinator never will forgive him. He attacks Bumblebee, but begins to surge in energy, overloading from the experiment. Optimus and Sentinel bicker over why Optimus didn't forewarn Sentinel over Blackarachnia's identity, but she interupts them and tries to escape. Blackarachnia tells them that she only created him so she could experiment on how to change him back without the organic half (which could destroy him), and thus experiment on herself, claiming that going offline would be the "price of science". But Waspinator was listening, and turns on Blackarachnia. She notices that Waspinator's transwarp signature has becomes unstable, and is chased out of the lab, knocking over Bumblebee in the process. Optimus and Bumblebee carry Sentinel back outside. Jetstorm and Jetfire have finished off the Dinobots questioning whether they were "enough distracted", but see Blackarachnia emerge from the entrance and the enraged Waspinator. As Waspinator attacks Blackarachnia, Optimus intervenes and says that he's not leaving without her again. But Blackarachnia declines, and she forms a cocoon around her and Waspinator as he begins to uncontrollably overload. The Autobots flee, barely escaping the explosion. Most of Dinobot Island is destroyed. The Autobots awake, Optimus claiming that she "sacrificed herself to save [them]", but Sentinel sorely laments that she used Waspinator to "rid of them both", and walks away quietly. Back on the Detroit, Jazz and the Jet twins bid farewell to Optimus and his Autobots. Optimus and Sentinel are left alone, and Optimus apologizes for not telling him about Elita-1, and Sentinel accepts further saying "it's too late for apologies". Optimus claims "for better of worse" that Cybertron needed a leader: Sentinel. The Elite Guard ascend in their ship back to Cybertron. Blackarachnia and Waspinator appear to be transported to another location (perhaps Africa). Waspinator is in pieces but still functional. Blackarachnia is unharmed, but realizes that she is surrounded by animals.