| - It was introduced in Generation II, along with the Dark type, to balance the other types. It was added to the typing of two Pokémon, Magnemite and Magneton, which were only Electric-type. Steel-type Pokémon stand out for having great defense against both physical and special attacks, and a large number of resistances. They tend to be heavy and thus have low Speed. Steel-types are mainly inorganic in nature, some of them representing robots and machines. Along with the Rock and Ground types, Steel represents part of the Earth's minerals as types.
| - It was introduced in Generation II, along with the Dark type, to balance the other types. It was added to the typing of two Pokémon, Magnemite and Magneton, which were only Electric-type. Steel-type Pokémon stand out for having great defense against both physical and special attacks, and a large number of resistances. They tend to be heavy and thus have low Speed. Steel-types are mainly inorganic in nature, some of them representing robots and machines. Along with the Rock and Ground types, Steel represents part of the Earth's minerals as types. Famous Steel-type Pokémon Trainers include Jasmine, the sixth Johto Gym Leader; Steven Stone, the Hoenn Champion; Byron, the sixth Gym Leader of Sinnoh; and Wikstrom, a member of the Kalos Pokémon League. Also, Colress, who is part of the new Team Plasma, uses Pokémon of this type as well.