- Prefix Title earned by gaining +20,000 (Kindly) faction with the Seafury Buccaneers in South Freeport.
- Marauder sind NPCs, die nur in speziellen Gates auftauchen.
- The Marauder is the first form or variant of the Sand Raider encountered in Diablo 2. It is found in the lower levels of the Sewers of Lut Gholein. They are typically easy to defeat no matter how many there are. They deal medium damage and have a low amount of health. Sand Raider Sand Raider • Marauder • Invader • Infidel • Assailant Image:Act1Q6.gif This monster article is a . You can help the Diablo Wiki to become more awesome by expanding it.
- Marauder is a clothing outfit that appears in Watch Dogs. Aiden Pearce is able to buy this outfit for $1000 at a Clothing Store.
- The Marauder is a Terran anti-armor infantry unit. After the Brood War, current technology was found to be inadequate to handle the more advanced Protoss and ever evolving Zerg. To compensate, newer models of powered armor were developed by each major Terran government. Gradually, the Marauder phased out Firebats in Terran armies for their effectiveness against heavy armored forces. Special abilities:
* Stimpack - unit attack and movement speed increase by 50%
* Concussive Shells - target enemy non-massive units speed decreases by 50%
- Marauders were Dark Masters in the Dark Jedi of the Bogan who had specialized in combat, acting as the battle masters for the order. Only a Dark Master could become a Marauder, although many Crusaders chose to train as Mauraders in the hopes of one day becoming a Dark Master and specializing as a Marauder.
- Marauders are small and hard hitting aliens, they are hardly ever found in small groups, they can easily outmatch sub-elite ships and BigBoys and Leonovs are no match for them. The best way to defeat them is to be in a strong group and keep moving. They can be found in the Epsilon Gate and in the group gate. Marauders are currently being investigated, more info to be added. FE Leonovs have a good chance of facing this alien.
- One of the most dangerous type of Reality Deviants, Marauders are completely insane. Worse, their insanity warps their environment to their specific delusions, destabilising the consensus as brought for by the Anthropic Field Theory. Whoever they might have been is lost. The only known solution is to destroy on sight. Marauders encountered
* Dr. Richards
* Former psychiater of agent Taylor. Eliminated. We would like to reiterate that Captain Phillip Broughton's Sidereal Strike Force is most definitively not consistent of Marauders.
- The Marauder has the ability to rebound off of walls which is best employed in enclosed spaces such as narrow hallways. When used fervently, this makes the Marauder utterly unshootable. To use this press the spacebar(default) and jump towards a wall while holding the spacebar. As long as you continue to hit walls, you will wall jump.
- The Marauder is a new strain of Chimera that appears in Resistance 2. A Marauder is a large Chimera that towers even over Titans and vaguely resembles a Tyrannosaurus Rex. Nathan Hale encountered and fought a Marauder in Cocodrie, Louisiana, and he sees another one later in the distance on a road with Chimeran forces of varying strains while regrouping with Richard Blake.
- Marauder is one of the Titans used by Silent Soldiers of the Blood Spiral. Marauder's body is enveloped in a dark cloak and his face is covered by a strange mask. Marauder and Harlekin are together used like the Redcap and Mindrone Titans used by the Organization. Like Harlekin, Marauder draws power on its Seeker's negative emotions, especially rage. Marauder is related to another Titan known as Psikofen.
- Marauders are insane mages whose Avatars have been warped by their mental instability, and who exist in a state of permanent Quiet. Image:SectMarauder.png
- Marauder steals letters from the bees for money.
- - Hallbjörn, Norscan Marauder Στις παγωμένες κορυφές του κόσμου - Norsca - ζουν πολλές και ποικίλες φυλές που επιλεχτά είναι γνωστοί ως Norse. Γεννημένοι σε αυτό το παγωμένο και αφιλόξενο μέρος, οι Norsemen είναι παγκοσμίος φήμης δυνατοί - το χάρισμα τους; Μα η αγριάδα τους και η δύναμη των χεριών τους. Πιστεύοντας πως είναι οι ευνοημένοι των θεών, είναι σύμμαχοι με τους τρομερούς Chaos Champions για να τους αποδείξουν πως είναι ικανοί στην μάχη και ότι αξίζουν και αυτοί. Αυτοί οι βάρβαροι Norse πολεμιστές είναι οι Marauders - μια φανατική φυλή που η μόνη της δίψα είναι ο πόλεμος και η καταστροφή. Γεννημένοι για πόλεμο, αφοσιωμένοι στους θεούς, ατελείωτα βίαιοι. Αυτά είναι τα μόνα προσώντα που ένας Marauder γνωρίζει ή θέλει να είναι.
- Marauders are the primary recon/commando dropship in the Peacekeeper fleet. They have excellent scanner equipment and good stealth capabilities, and are typically used as scouts and troop transports for boarding missions. Each Marauder is heavily shielded and carries up to 5 highly trained and well armed Peacekeeper commandos. When a ship lands, people leave through an elevator system located in the rear landing stalk. In a combat situation a marauder can deploy its commandos through a bottom hatch without having to land. Marauders have a reported top speed of hetch 7.
- Il Marauder compare per la prima volta all'interno di Resistance 2 e lo si incontrerà nelle fasi finali del gioco. Esso è ricoperto da un corazza metallica assicurata tramite delle cinghie al corpo del Chimera. La sua funzione principale è quella di animale per il trasporto di merci oppure come scorta per le truppe Chimera. Inoltre Hale potra' trovare delle granate Spider che innescheranno una ragnatela di fuoco come l'attacco principale del Marauder.
- Marauder is a member of the Mongolian Horde hired by G.O.B. to help build the wall between Mexico and America.
- Marauder — бронированный автомобиль с противоминной защитой разработки компании Paramount Group. Выпускается южноафриканской компанией Paramount Group и на совместном производстве завода ЭВМ в Азербайджане.
- A Marauder is a type of powered armor, supersoldier or machine, depends on which universe it is in.
- The Marauder is the Seven Mercenaries' base and battleship. Originally, it was Wily's last fortress in Megaman IV.
- Before settling on some more stable designs, the engineers at Hoover Heavy Industries dabbled in forward-swept wings. The Maurauder was the best of these early shapes to enter mass production, where it remains to this day.
- The Marauder is the spaceship that the main character comes from in Deliverance.
- The troops manning the suits are quite different to their firebat counterparts. As of 2504, 47% have never been to jail, and only 23% have ever been accused of murder. Marauder fatalities were commonplace prior to the implementation of kinetic foam into their suits, which allowed them to survive impacts that had previously killed operators, even while leaving the suit unharmed. A variant, more powerful version of the CMC-660s used by marauders was approved for field testing, any any marauder who volunteered were compensated with credits.
- Ferengi D'Kora Marauder is a starship which is only playable from the of the game. Read more about this topic on the Memory-Alpha Wikia.
- Marauder was a middleweight robot from the second season Robot Wars: Extreme Warriors. As Extreme Warriors had no middleweight division, Marauder was allowed to take part in the main competition. Marauder made it to the second round of its heat, only to be pitted, driving in under pressure from Destructive Criticism.
- Marauder — экспериментальный дробовик из мода Чёрный сталкер.
- A marauder is an enemy featured in Borderlands 2. They typically fill the role of a basic bandit infantry unit equipped with small arms.
- Marauders attack with an axe and equip heavy armor. Their main role in battle is that of a Tank and many of their attacks have the added effect of increasing the enmity in enemies, forcing them to attack the Marauder instead of other party members. Marauders generally have the highest HP pool of all classes. They possess abilities capable of restoring their own HP while damaging enemies. As such, Marauders are often seen as a more reactive tank, as opposed to the more proactive Gladiator class. Despite being a tank, Marauders have a high damage per second ratio.
- The Marauder was the Star Destroyer-like flagship of Jero Thrawn from the time of the Shrike War until the Battle of Stolingard.
- More heavily armored than most vehicles its size, the Marauder's shotgun-like weapon fires corrosive Tiberium-infused shells.
- [[w:|]][[Category: derivations|Marauder]] marault: a vagabond through French.
- The Sanyassan Marauder race can't be chosen as a vendor race by a trader.
- Marauders are synthetic-organic creatures derived from turians through the use of Reaper technology. They appear in Mass Effect 3 as a support unit, front line combatants, and squad leaders in the Reaper army.
- Marauder is a term used to loosely classify the hundreds of small-time raiders and pirates that pollute the galaxy. They have little in common with each other except their love of plunder and can be anyone from overzealous rev-heads to disgruntled merchants. They normally fly modified civilian ships, but an occasional Pirate Starbridge, Pirate Valkyrie, or Pirate Enterprise can also be found in Marauder hands. They are badly organized, poorly armed, and are usually nothing to worry about to well armed space farers. They are universally despised, even by other pirates.
- Marauders are enemies appearing in both Random Kingdom VX2 and Random Kingdom VXR. Marauders prowl the wilderness and wasteland, preying on travelling parties and small settlements. Marauders have the ability to generate bounty when attacking their opponents - which, on the losing end, means that the corresponding sum will be detracted from the player's inventory with each hit. Whenever a Marauder kills a player character, a large sum of money or a random item is lost from the party's inventory. These can only be gotten back by defeating the Marauder. Unlike related enemies, the Marauder is not inclined to flee from battle on his own accord, so, short of fleeing from battle, there is no way in which the player would not get the stolen items back.
- thumb|400px El Marauder es el principal bombardero de la Armada Imperial. En sus comienzos era el bombardero estándar para las operaciones en el espacio, pero fue reemplazado por el más poderoso Bombardero Starhawk. Al igual que todas las aeronaves imperiales, los Marauders están a las órdenes de la Armada Imperial, no de la Guardia Imperial y, como pueden operar en el vacío espacial, suelen desplegarse desde las naves espaciales en órbita alrededor de un planeta.
- The Marauder race is one of 6 playable races in the Space Federation universe. They are a paid race, and one of the most commonly used by suiciders. Their ships are expensive however have low upkeep, good hull, range, Pr ratio, and weapons, and their income is excellent, excelling at Commercial income. They also start with the Titan System instead of the Sol System, and their systems start with a +2% Defense Bonus equalling to a System Defense II activated. However, most Marauder guides suggest a Urania System as it can help the Marauder the most when completely levelled up. This is true to an extent as Urania System is best at commercial.
- The Marauder is the Mystic specialist class for using Invocations. How to Obtain: This class is a straight upgrade from the Mystic starting classes for characters using Invocations. Getting this from Combat type classes requires either INT significance, or Mystic only skill group significance. Upgrade Options: If Mystics are kept as the only significant skill group: Training another significant skill group (preferably Weapons) can result in a Mystic + Combat class, provided that none of the other pure Mystic classes' requirements are met. This can only be done on the PC: Item + Combat (PC only)