| - The winds and skies howled at her foul presence.. They rejected her, and yet they welcomed her presence. The self-proclaimed - no - the true god of the night had made her presence known. An impeccable laughter broke through the silence of the still winds, and the flapping of two majestic crimson wings simply laughed at mother nature's incompetency. She flew, and she flew, with nothing but a hue of blue and white. Yet even then, the entire world had briefly subdued itself. Blocking out the presence of the sun, there was nothing but darkness. Where the nocturnal thrived, and where humans had cried, this was indeed the Bloody Red Night. Elegance. Nothing more could be said about her, for those footsteps had said it all. The tapping of heels had even possessed the mischievous - or perhaps evil - aura that this woman contained within such a beautiful frame. To humans she appeared as a goddess, an all-knowing being of beauty, but they knew what she was, yet they couldn't bare to state it. And so, the beings of the night looked on, their crimson eyes awakening at their progenitor. Hisashii knew all along that she would appear. It was...strange, but there was no avoiding it. Kounaki was an inherently unique Reikon Kyuuban, and thus their lord would indeed come to investigate. "My, my Hisashii. You haven't grown at all!" The voice of Katsumi Scarlet pierced through the snow of these mountains as her laugh encompassed it. "Oh wait! We do not age! How silly of me~" Katsumi's behavior was strange for her status, but it was indeed refreshing. As she spoke, a silver haired woman, a god of death had appeared next to her. Leaving her head bowed, she waited until Katsumi gave her the instruction to stand. "Stand, Hitotoki." Her voice suddenly sharpened, and eyes became more ferocious, leaving even Hisashii paralyzed for a moment. "I wish to meet the rest, take me to them." Was all that Katsumi needed to say, and Hisashii began moving towards the house, leading the way. Myst was sitting in the house sipping tea when a sudden chill crawled its way up her spine. Either the world is ending or Lord Scarlet is coming. As ammusing as the thought was, it was true. She always associated the feeling that the first Queen's arrival heralded with something of apocalyptic proportions. "Kain...I suggest you make more tea." "You are absolutely right, My Lady." Kain smirked at the prospect. Who knew the very progenitor of himself and his brethren would be here simply to see a Newborn. "It seems...today really is an interesting day." Kain muttered to himself, as he was off to the kitchen. "So tell me Hisashii, what news do you bring?" Katsumi asked as they made their way to the entrance. The Queen Mother walked in a somewhat regal matter with a peculiar jump to her step. Hitotoki walked besides Katsumi, her facial expression unreadable. "I'm sure it's q uite interesting; you never fail to disappoint me with news." She finished with a smile, nonchalantly baring her pearl white teeth. "Then I hope this news doesn't disappoint you as well. Your chosen second turned a child no more than two nights ago. From what I've seen, this Reikon Kyuuban is wildly different compared to any I've ever met before. You might be interested to know, the Newborn already eclipses fifteen percent of my full power as of just a moment ago. It's not something I'd expect, but it is true. I've seen this with my own eyes." Hisashii said, before opening the door to the cabin. "Please, come in from this cold, make yourselves at home. Kain appeared abruptly in front of the door, bowing towards his Queen Mother before he stood. "Lord Scarlet, your arrival was unexpected! However; your favorite tea is on the stove, and will be completed shortly. As such, excuse me while I attend the stove." Kain's voice was unusually formal, and as he stood, he strode off with strange elegance to the stove. In the meantime, Kounaki was shivering slightly, as she stood next to Myst. The presence from this woman was quite intimidating, and she knew it was almost impossible for her to avoid suspicion. "Um...Myst-san, who is this woman...?" Myst noticed that Katsumi had walked in. "Kounaki, that woman over there is Katsumi Scarlet, the first of our kind, the Queen Mother herself, and the only person who outranks me. But trust me, she's not scary at all." After she answered the question, she bowed to the First Queen. "Your Highness, I take it you're here concerning my Newborn?" The Queen Mother smiled knowingly at Myst and opened her mouth to say something. But it was not what they expected. "The Newborn? Oh no, you must be mistaken; I came here at my own leisure. Hitotoki told me that there were some exotic sweets here!" She cried out. But then. She suddenly turned to face Kounaki in an abrupt manner, a devilish smile forming on her lips. "So this is her I presume?" Katsumi asked, whilst she twirled a lock of her hair under the bonnet. "She is definitely gorgeous to say the least. And along with beauty, comes great power as well? Hehehe, how wonderous this must be! Hisashii! If you don't take care, this Newborn will surely surpass you!" She finished with a mocking yet loving tone, giggling with glee as she teased both of them. "Hehehe, thank you..." Kounaki said as she bowed her head in gratitude. She felt slightly flushed by the sheer personality of this woman. And then she looked at the silver-haired woman that stood next to her, "A...maid?" Kounaki thought, and then left it at that. "Lord Scarlet! Miss Itoshii! Your tea is ready~" Kain exclaimed as he carried the cups, saucers and the tea on a single tray. Despite this enclosed setting, Hisashii had impressive furniture and kitchenware. "Please, do take a seat." Kain said as he began to pour out the tea for the two guests. Myst smiled. "One of these days Kounaki, you'll get used to her. It's like, she's crazy one second, then she's suddenly serious. And to be honest, when the Queen gets serious, it takes an iron will to not freak out. Last time, she sent me one what I'm sure she knew was a suicide mission. I'll be frank with you, I'm pretty sure I'm still not fully recovered. But anyway. Enough about that. Why don't we pester Kain for a bit?" The Queen Mother noticed Kounaki oddly glance at Hitotoki. "Oh, you must be wondering why Hitotoki is dressed as a Maid I presume? Don't answer that, cause I will. She is my Super Maid! A Killer! The Ultimate Assassin! Decimate entire armies at my command! All while she serves me tea and crumpets! Hehe!" She remarked with a smug expression. "It is. A pleasure to meet you." Hitotoki said to Kounaki, formally bowing in the process. "U-um...same here..." Kounaki was still a bit uncomfortable, but she was going to get used to the new arrivals, eventually. Though the Queen Mother's attitude was a bit...deterring, she found herself having a natural admiration for the woman. "Huh? Pester me? Naww, that isn't very nice, is it?" Kain said, in a very childish manner, proving all old vampires were somewhat insane. "In any case, Lord Scarlet, would you like to take a look at Kounaki?" "Aren't I already looking at Kounaki?" Katsumi replied with a smile, her red eyes seemingly glistening in the light. Myst walked over to Kain. "I think you used the wrong words." she told him before turing to Katsumi. "I'm sure he meant if you would like to see what Kounaki is capable of. Of course, I suggest that wait until later so she has a chance to recover from training." "O-oh...I'm sorry about that..." Kounaki said, still a bit nervous from her presence, and then asked. "How about we all just sit down, and enjoy our tea?" Gesturing for everyone to take a seat. "Oh? She has quite the hospitality~" Kain noticed, as he continued Kounaki's gesture of politeness. "The young girl is absolutely right! How about we all enjoy this occassion?" Katsumi sighed indifferently and shrugged her shoulders. "If you insist Kain. Hitotoki!" She said, her face turned to the expressionless Shinigami. Upon hearing her name, Hitotoki stood at attention. "Yes Mistress?" The Maid asked quietly with a bow. "Prepare my seating arrangements!" Katsumi commanded gleefully. "As you wish." As if time stopped itself, a fantastic and majestic chair and side table had suddenly appeared underneath and next to Katsumi Scarlet. She had a smile etched onto her face as she had already started to sip her tea. Looking at everyone with an amused look on her face, she said, "Well..what are you waiting for? I've been waiting for the lot you to get started! BWAHAHA!" Hitotoki stood besides Katsumi, her eyes closed. It seemed like she was casually ignoring the eccentric Queen Mother. Myst grabbed her tea from the table and sat on the couch. She was lost in thought, so many things came up out of nowhere. First, a group of werewolves that she never heard of before suddenly springs forth from the fountain of history, then her latest Newborn turns out to not quite fit the description of what Reikon Kyuuban were supposed to be at that stage. It made absolutely no sense, although it wouldn't be the first time she couldn't find a reason for something. Her insane desire to drain a certain Quincy was a good example. "Don't worry about this, Kounaki-chan, this is Lord Scarlet's normal habit. How about we sit down?" Kain suggested, as both Kounaki and Kain sat in their respective seats. Kain then chuckled slightly, picking up his cup of tea and asked Hisashii, "What are you doing standing, Hisashii?" Hisashii turned to face Kain. "Simple. If I sit down, I'm liable to fall asleep, and if I don't remove my mask, it leaves a massive knot in my neck muscles. I'll rest later." "Why won't remove the mask then Hisashii? I'm sure everyone here is dying to check you out, especially our dear Kounaki." Katsumi commented, taking a sip of her tea. "Or you can come over here and stand next to me and look all mysterious, like you always do. HAHAHA" Kounaki chuckled alongside Katsumi, albeit silently. She knew it was inappropriate, but couldn't help herself given the situation. And then, Kain brought up an issue. "Oh my, I forgot to tell you Lord Scarlet. I'm sure you must have noticed already, however...Fane is on the move again, it seems." Hisashii perked up at hearing the name of Fane. "And here I thought the flea-bag was already dead. After all, he's only human. Is his equally annoying brother still there too? Or did we lose a clown over the years?" "Ohhhhhh? Who is the Fane you speak of? Have I forgotten something I shouldn't had?" Katsumi questioned, reflexively tilting her head in interest. She placed her cup down on the table beside her, and politely waited for an answer, even if she already knew what it was. "Well...go on; I'm waiting.." Kain sighed, and quite literally at that. Though then again, he knew that she was likely feigning innocence, but thought it best to give an exposition anyway. "Romulus Fane. The first of his kind, known simply as the Werewolves. Leader of the Wolf Rain, otherwise known as Order of the Wolves. They were the one powerful race that existed as we attempted to take over the world. The first thorn in our path, that was quite easily exterminated, mind you. It seems they have been building power for quite some time. So...what shall we do?" Myst stood. "You want to know? I say we get ready for war. If the Reikon Kyuuban could destroy a group of overgrown dogs before, maybe they're going to target our kind in retaliation. Three of the people in this room once heard me say that a chain is as strong as the weakest link. That means we're in trouble unless we can be ready for anything. If you've got a reason why we shouldn't go kick their butts back to whatever hole they crawled out of, speak up." "Oooooh. You mean those Dogs that rebelled? Such a shame, they made really good guard dogs when they were in the palm of my hands. I thought the Thirteen Dracula and I exterminated the lot of them, guess I missed a few. Whoops." Katsumi said lightly with a small tone of embarrassment. "Well, since they've been off the radar for thousands of years, I assumed they would've been planning their vengeance ever since. Who knows, they could possibly rival the Atlantean Quincy now." "The Atlantean Quincy, huh? Hm...it looks to be the case...they might not be as easy to exterminate this time around. We might have to recreate the Thirteen Dracula, Lord Scarlet?" Kain suggested, as he looked towards Kounaki who seemed to be quite nervous at the whole prospect. "Don't worry Kounaki, Hisashii and you will stay here to continue your training." Kounaki responded rather meekly, "U-um...okay!" "Thirteen Dracula? Did you get the idea for that from the Gotei 13 or something?" Myst asked, completely confused at what was taking place. "Of course, they were stupid back then. They probably learned to fear the almighty power of my Blood Moon." Katsumi casually said to Kain., taking a modest sip from her tea cup. "But I do agree, it's time to round up the Thirteen Dracula once again. I do hope they're still alive though. I didn't give them permission to die yet." She then turned her head to face Myst and immediately broke into a wide smile, a portion of her fang jutted from the side. "You can say that my dear. Th Gotei 13 served as a basis for the Thirteen Dracula. But in all honesty, it was just done to piss off that Old Man in Soul Society. HAHAHAHA." The Queen Mother finished with a haughty laugh.