| - In a modern society, everything is so interconnected that any product is the result of that entire society. People who put products together, people who got the materials the products are made of, people who run the machines that generate the power required for those things... et cetera. Even the things people tend to forget or disassociate with the production of a product: people who write the manuals, people who act as "gofers" for all the other people, middle-management, etc. In terms of combat, expect most people to be kitted out in Improvised Armour and wielding Improvised Weapons.
| - In a modern society, everything is so interconnected that any product is the result of that entire society. People who put products together, people who got the materials the products are made of, people who run the machines that generate the power required for those things... et cetera. Even the things people tend to forget or disassociate with the production of a product: people who write the manuals, people who act as "gofers" for all the other people, middle-management, etc. Then consider all the people behind the construction of the tools required to do each of those things, and then who make the tools required to make those, and so on, and so on. Suppose a large majority of mankind and its infrastructure were to be suddenly wiped out? There would be huge holes in the knowledge of how to produce things. Sure, someone might know how to fix the engine of a car, but if there's no one who knows how to make spark plugs, one is forced to hope they can find workable ones in the debris left After the End. And then there's the need for gasoline. Heck, unleaded gasoline for that matter. And tires, and antifreeze and... well you get the idea. And even if someone does know how to make those key components all that knowledge is little more than useless trivia if the raw materials can no longer be supplied. Such knowledge would quickly be forgotten as humanity focused on more important things, like finding enough food to keep from starving. These knowledge "holes" would tend grow larger as generations went by. Society would have to rely on scavenging workable machinery without the knowledge of how it was made or the basic principles it works on, eventually resulting in Low Culture, High Tech. This is a Scavenger World, and if enough of the cogs are lost you end up with Lost Technology. Moreover, the physical cogs don't last forever; a Scavenger World that goes on long enough usually has to invoke Ragnarok Proofing to explain why anything still works at all. In terms of combat, expect most people to be kitted out in Improvised Armour and wielding Improvised Weapons. An elaboration of Schizo-Tech. Possession Implies Mastery is always averted here. After the End examples of the Scavenger World often overlap with Crapsack World. Compare Cosy Catastrophe. See also Disaster Scavengers. If you ask a scavenger about where this stuff came from, they'll say it was all made in The Beforetimes. Examples of Scavenger World include: