| - Please leave this page in place for future content and Steamification BrentNewland (talk) 04:48, December 2, 2013 (UTC)
- Final Doom is a compilation of two standalone Doom II modifications, TNT: Evilution and The Plutonia Experiment, which include full sets of new levels (both of them use the same level structure as Doom II with 30 regular levels and 2 secret levels), new graphics and textures, and new text interlude screens in addition to most of the resources from Doom II and some from Doom. TNT: Evilution contains a mostly new soundtrack, while The Plutonia Experiment uses music from Doom and Doom II: Hell on Earth. It was released on June 17, 1996 by id Software under the initiative of John Romero and developed by members of the fan community belonging to TeamTNT.
- Final Doom es una compilación de dos modificaciones independientes de Doom II, TNT: Evilution y The Plutonia Experiment, que incluyen sistemas completos de nuevos niveles (ambos utilizan la misma estructura de niveles de Doom II con 30 niveles regulares y 2 niveles secretos), nuevos gráficos y texturas y las nuevas pantallas interludio de texto, además de la mayor parte de los recursos provenientes de Doom II y algunos de Doom. TNT: Evilution contiene una nueva banda sonora, mientras que The Plutonia Experiment utiliza la música de Doom y Doom II: Hell on Earth.
| - Please leave this page in place for future content and Steamification BrentNewland (talk) 04:48, December 2, 2013 (UTC)
- Final Doom is a compilation of two standalone Doom II modifications, TNT: Evilution and The Plutonia Experiment, which include full sets of new levels (both of them use the same level structure as Doom II with 30 regular levels and 2 secret levels), new graphics and textures, and new text interlude screens in addition to most of the resources from Doom II and some from Doom. TNT: Evilution contains a mostly new soundtrack, while The Plutonia Experiment uses music from Doom and Doom II: Hell on Earth. It was released on June 17, 1996 by id Software under the initiative of John Romero and developed by members of the fan community belonging to TeamTNT. TNT: Evilution was developed independently by TeamTNT, and was purchased by id Software when it was practically complete. The Plutonia Experiment, on the other hand, was created specifically for Final Doom after its authors showed some of the id Software developers an incomplete set of levels. Its two authors, while part of TeamTNT and also contributors to TNT: Evilution, produced The Plutonia Experiment independently. Each of the two standalone IWADs is presented as a sequel to Doom II, referencing events from the original game in their background stories, particularly the invasion of Earth, but without referencing each other in any way. Since the Final Doom IWADs each contain most of the resources from Doom II, and replace the rest, they can be used along with add-ons made for Doom II, notwithstanding some possible visual inconsistencies of minor importance.
- Final Doom es una compilación de dos modificaciones independientes de Doom II, TNT: Evilution y The Plutonia Experiment, que incluyen sistemas completos de nuevos niveles (ambos utilizan la misma estructura de niveles de Doom II con 30 niveles regulares y 2 niveles secretos), nuevos gráficos y texturas y las nuevas pantallas interludio de texto, además de la mayor parte de los recursos provenientes de Doom II y algunos de Doom. TNT: Evilution contiene una nueva banda sonora, mientras que The Plutonia Experiment utiliza la música de Doom y Doom II: Hell on Earth. Fue publicado en junio de 1996 por id Software bajo la iniciativa de John Romero y desarrollado por miembros de la comunidad de fans que pertenece a TeamTNT. TNT: Evilution fue desarrollado independientemente por TeamTNT y comprado por id Software cuando estaba prácticamente completo. The Plutonia Experiment, por otro lado, se ha creado específicamente para Final Doom después que sus autores mostraron algunos de los desarrolladores de software de la identificación de un conjunto incompleto de los niveles. Sus dos autores, mientras que parte de TeamTNT y también contribuyen a TNT: Evilution, produjeron The Plutonia Experiment independientemente. Cada uno de los dos IWADs independientes se presenta como una secuela de Doom II, haciendo referencia a los acontecimientos del juego original en sus historias de fondo, en particular la invasión de la Tierra, pero sin hacer referencia entre sí de alguna manera.