| - "The chief god of Norse mythology. He is the god of war and death, skilled in magic and deeply associated with poetry and song. Odin is often depicted with long, white hair, missing one eye, and holding his spear Gungnir. It is said none can match his prowess in magic, though he was once a pupil of the goddess Freya. Ever thirsty for knowledge, Odin will not hesitate to sacrifice to gain it. It is said he achieved wisdom by offering one of his eyes to the giant Mimi and drinking the Water of Knowledge from the roots of Yggdrasil. —Shin Megami Tensei IMAGINE Compendium
| - "The chief god of Norse mythology. He is the god of war and death, skilled in magic and deeply associated with poetry and song. Odin is often depicted with long, white hair, missing one eye, and holding his spear Gungnir. It is said none can match his prowess in magic, though he was once a pupil of the goddess Freya. Ever thirsty for knowledge, Odin will not hesitate to sacrifice to gain it. It is said he achieved wisdom by offering one of his eyes to the giant Mimi and drinking the Water of Knowledge from the roots of Yggdrasil. Odin lives in a great hall in Valaskjálf, home of the gods. From his throne Hlidskjalf he peers down at the world below. Whenever he sees brave warriors die in battle, he sends his warrior maidens, the Valkyries, to gather their souls and bring them to Valhalla, where they prepare for Ragnarok, the end of the world. At Ragnarok, Odin is fated to be swallowed by the giant beast Fenrir." —Shin Megami Tensei IMAGINE Compendium