| - Charlotte Lewis is a member of the Kahana search team. She was recruited by Matthew Abaddon to join a team along with Daniel, Frank and Miles, led by Naomi, to arrive at the island in search of Benjamin Linus.
- Charlotte Lewis is one of the Kahana people.
- Charlotte is the biological sister of Ron Weasley. She was also molested by Daniel Faraday when she was little, who coincidentally loves chocolate just like she does. Good luck trying to understand her accent.
- thumb|left|150px|Charlotte w Dharmaville w 1974 roku. Od urodzenia Charlotte mieszka w Dharmaville. W 1974, gdy ma trzy lata spotykają ją Daniel, James, Juliet, Jin i Miles. („LaFleur”) Gdy Faraday orientuje się kim jest dziewczynka, mówi jej by nigdy nie wracała na wyspę bo umrze. („The Variable”)
- In the afterlife, Charlotte and Daniel were reunited. Although they initially didn't remember one another, there was an instant attraction between the two, and it's highly possible that they eventually remembered their lives and moved on together.
- Charlotte Staples Lewis ist eine Anthropologin, die als Teil des wissenschaftlichen Teams der Kahana auf die Insel kommt. Laut Ben, der diese Informationen wahrscheinlich von seinem Spion auf dem Frachter erhalten hat, wird Charlotte Lewis am 2. Juli 1979 in Essex, England als Kind von David und Jeannette Lewis geboren. Sie wächst als älteste von drei Schwestern in Brownsgrove in Worcestershire auf. Kurz vor der Verschiebung der Insel deutet sie gegenüber Daniel an, dass die Insel der Ort ist, an dem sie geboren wurde.
- Charlotte Staples Lewis era uma antropóloga cultural que caiu de paraquedas na Ilha, 91 dias após a queda do voo 815. Charlotte nasceu na Ilha, filha de dois membros da Iniciativa DHARMA. Em meados de 1977, Charlotte e sua família saíram da Ilha, deixando apenas o marido de Jeanette, o pai de Charlotte. A mãe de Charlotte mentiu para ela e lhe disse que a Ilha tinha sido apenas uma invenção de sua mente. Por isso, Charlotte se tornou antropóloga e passou a vida tentando encontrar a Ilha. 91 dias após a queda do voo 815, Charlotte conseguiu voltar na Ilha, encontrada pelo Cargueiro Kahana a qual ela estava a bordo. Charlotte foi inicialmente achada pelo grupo de Locke, mas trocada por Miles por Kate e Sayid logo em seguida. Ela voltou para a praia com Daniel, causando alguns problemas com o
- Titolo Attore AltCasting Doppiatore AltDoppiatore Prima Ultima Apparizione Menzionato Count Centric Nome AKA Età Nascita Morte EpMorte Luogo Professione PerchéAustralia PerchéDestinazione PerchéIsola Familiari Connessioni Se cercavi un'altra voce, vai a Charlotte (disambigua). Charlotte Staples Lewis era un antropologa estremamente dotata che è cresciuta sull'Isola, dove i suoi genitori lavoravano come membri del Progetto DHARMA. Evacua dall'Isola insieme a sua madre, lasciando suo padre (e forse due sorelle giovani) indietro. Spende gran parte della sua vita a ritrovare ancora una volta l'Isola. Questo è dovuto dall'insistenza di sua madre che l'Isola era solo una sua immaginazione, e una chance per trovare suo padre. Si paracaduta sull'Isola il 91esimo giorno, insieme alla Squadra scie
- Charlotte Staples Lewis era una ex miembro de la Iniciativa Dharma, una experta antropóloga, que creció en la isla con su familia antes del año 1977. Finalmente salió de ella sólo con su madre, dejando a su padre atrás. Pasó el resto de su vida tratando de encontrar la isla de nuevo. Esto fue principalmente debido a la insistencia de su madre que le repetía que la isla no exisitía y para tener la oportunidad de encontrar a su padre. Finalmente regresó de nuevo lanzándose en paracaídas a la Isla el día 91. Fue encontrada por el grupo de supervivientes de John Locke; pero después fue intercambiada por su compañero Miles cuando Sayid y Kate viajaron a los Barracones. Después regresó a la playa con Daniel, donde su presencia causó algunos problemas menores con los supervivientes. Era una mujer
- thumbCharlotte Staples Lewis was een cultureel antropologe die opgroeide op het eiland. Haar ouders waren leden van het DHARMA-Initiatief. Ze is geboren in Essex op 2 juli 1971. Haar ouders heten David en Jeannette. Ze had twee zusjes. Ze studeerde voor antropologe te Oxford. In Tunesië in de woestijn van Medenine vindt ze het teken van Dharma op de halfvergane halsband van een ijsbeer-kadaver. De ware opdracht is Ben opsporen.
- Charlotte Staples Lewis was a gifted cultural anthropologist, who grew up on the Island where her parents were members of the DHARMA Initiative. She eventually escaped with just her mother, leaving her dad (and possibly two younger sisters) behind. She spent the rest of her life trying to find the Island again. This was mostly due to her mother's insistence that she had made it all up, and for a chance to find her dad. She then finally parachuted back onto the Island on day 91, as part of the freighter science team. She arrived at the beach camp with Daniel Faraday, where her presence aroused the suspicions of the survivors due to her secrecy and dishonesty about their mission while on the Island. Following Benjamin Linus's turning of the frozen wheel and the increasing frequency of the ti