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- Katsuyuki Konishi (小西 克幸 Konishi Katsuyuki) is a seiyū affiliated with Ken Production. He is the voice of America in both the anime and drama CD adaptations of Hetalia: Axis Powers/ Hetalia: World Series. In addition to America, he also provides the voice of Canada.
- Katsuyuki Konishi (小西克幸 Konishi Katsuyuki) is a voice actor for the Japanese version of Pokémon.
- He did regularly appeared in both the Japanese and English-language versions of the Pokémon anime where he has voiced Ash's thirty Tauros, Ash's Heracross, J's Salamence and also Ash's Gligar. As well as that, he has voiced Dragonite, both of whom appeared in the anime but under the leadership of two different Trainers: Orange League leader/champion Drake and Pokémon Champion Lance. He had appeared in the Pokémon Master Quest series voicing Vincent's Meganium in both the Japanese and English language versions of the cartoon. After the end of the Diamond And Pearl Sinnoh League Victors, he did not have any new roles and its assumed that he leave the series.
- Profession[profession not given] Related awards Resumé[resumé not given] Roles:[roles not given] caption3 caption3 caption4 IMDb profile: Katsuyuki Konishi(小西克幸Konishi Katsuyuki) is a Japanese voice actor known for playing the role of Billy Coen in biohazard 0 HD-REMASTER.
- Katsuyuki Konishi(小西 克幸Konishi Katsuyuki) (April 21, 1973) is a prolific Japanese male seiyū from Wakayama, Wakayama Prefecture. He is currently affiliated with Ken Production. His bloodtype is B and his debut role was Volfogg/Big Volfogg in GaoGaiGar.
- Katsuyuki Konishi (小西 克幸, Konishi Katsuyukies ?) es un Seiyu de Wakayama,usualmente afiliado con Ken Production.
- Der japanische Seiyuu von Komui Li.
- Katsuyuki Konishi (urodzony 21 kwietnia 1973 roku w Wakayama, Wakayama, Japonia) - jest japońskim aktorem głosowym. Jego debiutancką rolą była rola Volfogga/Big Volfogga w filmie GaoGaiGar. Zagrał Lucasa w serialu anime Sonic X.
- He also has a solid career as a voice actor for various anime, voicing characters like Kamina in Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann (which is his most famous role), Amidamaru in Shaman King, Alfred Jones (a.k.a. America) in Axis Powers Hetalia and Tatsumi Oga in Beelzebub. In Super Sentai, he voices Gosei Knight in Tensou Sentai Goseiger and later as Smapho Monger in Hikonin Sentai Akibaranger Season 2.
- He was the special guest at the 2010 Anime Expo in Los Angeles, USA, where he met his fans and revealed that his favorite anime character was Kamina from Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann; also adding that each character whom he voiced is important to him. Konishi was awarded the Best Supporting Actor Award in the 9th Annual Seiyū Awards on 6 March 2015.
- Katsuyuki Konishi is a Japanese voice actor known for roles such as Haji in Blood +, Volfogg in Gaogaigar and most recently Kamina in Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann.
- Katsuyuki Konishi (小西克幸 Konishi Katsuyuki?) is a voice actor affiliated to Ken Production.
- Katsuyuki Konishi (小 西 克 幸 Konishi Katsuyuki?, Nacido 21 de abril 1973) es un actor de voz japonés de Wakayama, Wakayama Prefecture. Actualmente está afiliado con la producción de Ken. Su debut fue Volfogg Rol / Volfogg grande en GaoGaiGar. Él también apareció en Cardcaptor Sakura, expresando el profesor, Yoshiyuki Terada espinela, así como la forma verdadera de Sun. También apareció en las versiones japonesas y idioma Inglés del anime Pokémon él expresó Dónde está treinta Tauros Ash, Heracross de Ash, Ash y Gligar también Salamence de J.
- Describe Katsuyuki Konishi he-- Katsuyuki Konishi is one hell of a seiyuu. Unlike many seiyuu who get typecast as stock characters, he has pulled off stoic, reserved adult men, Bishonen, laid-back male roles, jokesters, and one epic Boisterous Large Ham. On a whim. Sometimes all at once! While his fanbase started out small, Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann vaulted him to 'instant legend' status as Kamina. However, he does have quite a few roles where he is either a big brother or big brother figure to one of the younger characters. Hell, he has even voiced the freaking United States of America.
- Katsuyuki Konishi (小西 克幸, Konishi Katsuyuki, born April 21, 1973 in Wakayama, Wakayama) is a Japanese voice actor currently affiliated with Ken Production. He is also the secondary chairman of the theatrical group, Herohero Q Company. The leading chairman is Tomokazu Seki who attended the same classes as him when they studied at Katsuta Voice Actor's Academy. His nicknames with fans include "Koni-tan" or "Nishi-san".