| - You gyrotate, facing a patrol of cats. You gasp, and try to recede, but then see they are surrounding you. "Who are you?" The leader, Screechstar, Growls. "Im Your name, I dont have a clan/pack/tribe." "Oh you dont, eh?" You shake your head. "Bring her to camp." Screechstar orders. Another fae steps foward and grips your neck and starts dragging you towards the camp. As you reach the camp, the kits scatter away and the apprentices try to look tough by hissing at you. "Enough." Screechstar firmly told the apprentices. The apprentices roll their eyes put pad away into their dens.
| - You gyrotate, facing a patrol of cats. You gasp, and try to recede, but then see they are surrounding you. "Who are you?" The leader, Screechstar, Growls. "Im Your name, I dont have a clan/pack/tribe." "Oh you dont, eh?" You shake your head. "Bring her to camp." Screechstar orders. Another fae steps foward and grips your neck and starts dragging you towards the camp. As you reach the camp, the kits scatter away and the apprentices try to look tough by hissing at you. "Enough." Screechstar firmly told the apprentices. The apprentices roll their eyes put pad away into their dens. The fae drags you to the leaders den and sets you down roughly. "So, do you like Moonclan?" She asks you. "I cant really decide, all you did was drag me into this den" You mutter. "Oh, well sorry... I was only doing Screechstar's orders." "Its alright..." You answer. Screechstar pads into the den and tell you to go and look around, But as soon as you reach the exit, she calls you back. " , Would you like to join Moonclan?"