Quentin Beck, also known as Mysterio, suffered abuse from his mother and father as a child, duo to his intelligence and for his wish of being a magician, as the two of them called their son a fraud. Joining the New York Police Department, Beck became the head of Department's cyber crime division, until his desire to prove superior to the rising vigilante Daredevil made him chose a path of villainy as Mysterio. Since then, he always crafts mind games in order to prove his superiority to Daredevil, failing miserable everytime, and eventually coming to face other superheroes such as Spider-Man.
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| - Quentin Beck (Earth-5430)
| - Quentin Beck, also known as Mysterio, suffered abuse from his mother and father as a child, duo to his intelligence and for his wish of being a magician, as the two of them called their son a fraud. Joining the New York Police Department, Beck became the head of Department's cyber crime division, until his desire to prove superior to the rising vigilante Daredevil made him chose a path of villainy as Mysterio. Since then, he always crafts mind games in order to prove his superiority to Daredevil, failing miserable everytime, and eventually coming to face other superheroes such as Spider-Man.
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| - Quentin Beck, also known as Mysterio, suffered abuse from his mother and father as a child, duo to his intelligence and for his wish of being a magician, as the two of them called their son a fraud. Joining the New York Police Department, Beck became the head of Department's cyber crime division, until his desire to prove superior to the rising vigilante Daredevil made him chose a path of villainy as Mysterio. Since then, he always crafts mind games in order to prove his superiority to Daredevil, failing miserable everytime, and eventually coming to face other superheroes such as Spider-Man.