The animated series was derived from R-Rated source material, a trend that was maintained by series such as Rambo, Police Academy and Toxic Crusaders. Among the more notable changes were the removal of bullets (replaced by laser weapons) and a more science fiction setting. In this series, RoboCop had a red light in the middle of his visor (which occasionally panned the whole visor).
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| - RoboCop: The Animated Series
| - The animated series was derived from R-Rated source material, a trend that was maintained by series such as Rambo, Police Academy and Toxic Crusaders. Among the more notable changes were the removal of bullets (replaced by laser weapons) and a more science fiction setting. In this series, RoboCop had a red light in the middle of his visor (which occasionally panned the whole visor).
- The show made a number of changes to the RoboCop universe to make it more appropriate for younger viewers, including replacing bullets with laser weapons and shifting the series to a more science fiction setting. In this series, RoboCop had a red light in the middle of his visor (which occasionally panned the whole visor). The series was animated by AKOM Productions.
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show name
| - RoboCop: The Animated Series
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| - Michael Charles Hill
- Michael Miner
| - The animated series was derived from R-Rated source material, a trend that was maintained by series such as Rambo, Police Academy and Toxic Crusaders. Among the more notable changes were the removal of bullets (replaced by laser weapons) and a more science fiction setting. In this series, RoboCop had a red light in the middle of his visor (which occasionally panned the whole visor).
- The show made a number of changes to the RoboCop universe to make it more appropriate for younger viewers, including replacing bullets with laser weapons and shifting the series to a more science fiction setting. In this series, RoboCop had a red light in the middle of his visor (which occasionally panned the whole visor). The series was animated by AKOM Productions.
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