| - Inspecting the district he and three other Shinigami were patrolling, Yoshiro Kazuki let loose a sigh. His allies were all related to one another, save the only other member he knew, and that was Takeshi Shinjo, but he'd yet to learn the names of the others or anything at all about them apart from the fact they were new and that they were going to be a handful. The other two members looked skilled, though, so Yoshiro really didn't know what to think. It had been six months since Kenji left to travel the Human World, and since then, Yoshiro had been accepted into the 9th Division and given command over his own small Patrol Group within the Rukon District with three other Shinigami, one from his own Squad, Takeshi and two others from the Omnisukidō. Hollows had been attacking in greater numbers ever since that Arrancar, Shrieker, invaded with his army. Although captains Shinji Hirako and Kensei Muguruma drove them off, small pockets still remained and were increasingly difficult to hunt down and kill, especially with new waves appearing at the end of nearly every week. "Yoshiro, we've received word from the scouts." Takeshi said calmly. He was a little off, because he'd recently forgotten his entire history down to his name. He'd only known who he was because Yoshiro had been paired with him back when the older Shinigami was an Academy Instructor. The only things he did seem to recall was his ability to use a zanpakuto, control his spiritual energy and that his Shikai was dangerous. Everything else was a blur; his dreams, his goals his family...All was as blank and as distant as the pale surface of the moon. He did know his job, though, and certainly knew how to kill off hollow. He'd made it into the Team because of that very reason and because he refused to work with anyone but Yoshiro, saying he had a feeling in his gut and that he always went with his gut. So far, that gut had saved their bacon more times than Yoshiro cared to recall. "There are small pockets here, here and here." The older Shinigami said. A large map was spread out before Yoshiro on a table. It showed their immediate vicinity well and the outlaying terrain. This area of Rukongai was rough and hard to life in, but Yoshiro reckoned these people deserved protection as much as the lesser nobles in the higher districts. The areas Takeshi pointed out were close too and that helped. One was a forested area about a mile to the north usin' Flash Step, the second a less than impressive lake that barely deserved the name about half a mile in the same direction and the final area to the west, near the next Patrol Team. That area passed through a small valley, however, and had been known as hollow country to those among the Teams. The tent Yoshiro and Takeshi were in was small and simple, and fit to be abandoned should anything go wrong with the plan. These hollow needed to be destroyed here and now, otherwise the Rukon Residents would be up in arms about how badly the Gotei 13 performed when defending them. Yoshiro and his Team carried what they needed with them, including maps, their meager rations and whatever other tools would be required so they could flee whenever they needed without counting loses. They could leave this lot behind for the next Team though. "Takeshi," Yoshiro said, sounding more mature than he had before. It wasn't only his voice that matured though. He remained the same physically, but he looked more commanding and had an air of authority about him despite his low rank among the 9th Division. He was a seated officer however, but only ranked tenth overall. His skills, however, were easily a match for Lieutenant level Shinigami and that's exactly why Captain Muguruma had appointed him to this position. Out here on Patrol, you grew up quickly. He wore a black cape that had been given to him to show the other teams he was the leader which had intricate, light blue designs all over. Beneath he wore a slightly modified outfit designed for comfort. Instead of the normal shinigami robes, he wore an almost noble-like shirt with a light blue color scheme down the middle while the rest was black. "We'll head toward the forest and clear out the lake as we go. Tell the other two to head towards the next team." Takeshi nodded and left the tent. His voice was briefly heard relaying Yoshiro's commands. "It's been done." He said, poking his head through the tent flap. "I'm ready when you are, Commander." Yoshiro turned and left the tent, vanishing toward his goal using Flash Steps, Takeshi not far behind. "Commander, I know those two from somewhere." Takeshi said slowly. "But the memory's distorted...fragmented. I can't help but think I'm forgetting something important." "It'll come to ya eventually, Takeshi. Don't force it, okay? Besides, I know 'em from somewhere to. Just can't place 'em for the live o' me. Oh yeah, we're on our own so call me Gray." A guy had mistaken him for someone else and called him Gray, and the name just stuck. "Besides, the whole Commander thing's only a title. I don't care much for titles. People are people." Takeshi grinned at that and nodded. "And that's why I serve you, Yoshiro. You are fair, kind and strong to boot. And you knew the old me..." "Sure thing, Gray. Now, what about these 'ere hollow? I mean, didn't Captain Muguruma give 'em a good beating?" Yoshiro smiled and stopped as they came up on the lake. "Yeah, that's what I though to, Takeshi, but life ain't always as clear cut sadly. Keep your eyes open, 'cause I've got a gut feelin' that somethin' ain't right." The area was rank with the stench of hollow. "This place fells wrong." Yoshiro said calmly. "Takeshi, check the right side of the lake. I'll go left." "Hey," Takeshi said quickly. "I thought I was the guy who got the gut feelin's, but I hear ya. Watch yourself, Gray." No sooner than both men had taken a single step apart, than several hollow leapt from the water of the lake to descend quickly towards the two Shinigami. Yoshiro's cloak spun as he did, revealing his zanpakuto that flashed from the sheath in a wide, cutting arc. "Takeshi, you know what to do!" Another seven fell as he constricted them tightly with Hado 9: Tsurukusa. Leaping high, Takeshi slashed one across the chest and another in the face, instantly purifying both. Turning, he outstretched his hand and took a breathe. He quickly fired off a Shakkahō followed by a Kongōbaku without even needing to say the name or number. he may have forgotten his memories, but his body remembered how to perform the abilities, even if he himself had forgotten the names. He flowed through such complex sword and body movements, Yoshiro couldn't help but be envious. Takeshi couldn't remember any of it, though, and did all that through instinct. Yoshiro grinned and moved quickly enough to strike down three hollow in the space of two seconds. Landing lightly on the surface of the lake, he turned. Several hollow burst from the surface of that clear, seemingly beautiful water that reflected the stars and descended in a close knit group. "Water is life's maker and matrix, mother and medium. Free flowing might of the ocean ensnare any who walk an unjust path! Bakudo 32: Mizukouchisho!" Water formed around the hollow and encased them tightly as Yoshiro held the flow and rotation of the sphere together with his left arm. "Takeshi, take a look around. The forces will keep this lot in check as they drown." Looking around quickly and scanning further with his senses, Takeshi appeared beside Yoshiro and ran his blade through the water sphere, killing all the hollow trapped within easily. "Even if they are hollow, we shouldn't make sport of this," He remarked calmly. "I didn't see or sense anything else, but I have been wrong before..." Yoshiro withdrew his now wet hand from the sphere and allowed it to dissipate as he slapped Takeshi lightly on the shoulder. "We all make mistakes, pal. Now, we've got a forest to clean out." They flashed away as one and arrived at the edge of the forest a few minutes later as one. "Remind you of anything?" Yoshiro asked in a whisper. There was something in there, he could feel it. "No," Takeshi replied just as quietly. Moving forward, he looked through the trees and nodded for Yoshiro to proceed inwards. Putting his back to a nearby tree, Yoshiro waved Takeshi in and then forward. After hiding and making sure he hadn't been spotted, Takeshi repeated the pattern until they were both a good way into the forest. "Hold it." Yoshiro whispered. "I know." Takeshi replied. "Somethin's watchin' us. Has been since we entered in fact." "Well, keep moving regardless. Pretend we know nothing and let it watch us. We'll get it by surprise..." The two continued walking through the dense forest, avoiding roots and pot-holes as they found them. Their hearts were beating from adrenaline and anticipation because one thing Yoshiro hated was being watched by something he himself couldn't see. He squinted through the darkness and picked out a small, cave-like opening that tunneled through the ground. "Our watcher's den?" Takeshi said with an annoyed look. "Can we please kill this thing? It's creepin' me out." "Wait until we check out that cave. If anything, I bet it lives there. That'll draw it out." Yoshiro replied. "And crush our advantage to boot. I'll go along with it, but I'd prefer strikin' it now." Takeshi said with a sigh. As they neared the opening, a large, truly hideous creature dropped from the tree's above to guard the entrance! The two Shinigami leapt back and looked at one another strangely. "Damn are you ugly." Yoshiro said truthfully. "Now, even a mother could love that face." "I hear ya, Gray. That things on a whole new level of ugly."