| - Kirsten Ann Kirkwood (b. 20 Oct 2561, d. 27 Nov 2644) was President of Aloria from 2601-2611. Kirkwood served three terms and a decade in the mid-2610s as Minister of Finance and several years as Minister of Justice in the late-2630s. She was the first woman elected president on the Moderate Libertarian Party ticket as well as the youngest. Kirkwood was born in Krentori Province to lawyers Haskell and Lynn Kirkwood. She was an only child. Kirkwood attended Krentori University and earned her BA in political science in 2588. In 2591, she graduated from the elite Ivy University with her JD degree. After completing the bar, Kirkwood went to work as assistant conseul and then lead counsel for the Moderate Libertarian Party from 2592-2598. In 2598, the MLP asked Kirkwood to run for parliament and she won a surprising victory. During her one term, Kirkwood was handpicked by President Jose Alvarez to run for president when his third term ended. In 2601, Kirkwood defeated Conservative Union candidate President Mallorie Kennedy. Kirkwood and Kennedy remained friends until Kennedy's death. In 2603, Kirkwood survived an assassination attempt by a mentally unstable lone gunman. She went on to serve two more terms and continued what many saw as the "Libertarian Revolution" started by Alvarez. The conservative bloc remained very strong during her presidency. Before her self-imposed third term ended, Kirkwood handpicked her successor Coolidge Jones to run for president. Jones was elected with Kirkwood's help becoming the first black man running on the MLP ticket to win the presidency. Afterward, Kirkwood served as Minister of Finance under Presidents Jones and Carla Franco. She retired after the election of the Nationalist Party's Bernard Rosenberg. In 2626, Kirkwood came out of retirement to support the 2629 presidential campaign of Carla Franco. This put her at odds with those Moderate Libertarian Party members supporting youthful upstart Pierce Farnsworth's shot at the nomination. In 2636, Kirkwood and niece Sarah Kirkwood were appointed by parliament to President Gene Hamshee's updated executive cabinet. Kirkwood became Minister of Justice. About 2 years later, parliament approved a cabinet changed and she left office as a result. Once again, Kirkwood retired. In 2641, she endorsed Pierce Farnsworth for president in the 2641 election. Kirkwood died on 27 November 2644 from head injuries suffered in a fall. She was 83. Ironically, she died a mere 4 days after the death of her presidential successor Carla Franco.