| - The primary factor in deciding whether a film should be included in this wiki is whether or not it has been published. If the film cannot be found on shelves, is not distributed, cannot be found on IMDB, was never featured in a film festival, has never won an award, or was never popularized, then it probably does not belong here.
| - The primary factor in deciding whether a film should be included in this wiki is whether or not it has been published. If the film cannot be found on shelves, is not distributed, cannot be found on IMDB, was never featured in a film festival, has never won an award, or was never popularized, then it probably does not belong here. Films exclusively released on the internet (fan-films, featurettes, etc.) should not be included in this wiki. However, if a film's DVD release provides content related to these topics, then information regarding the short film or an external link to such a film is allowed. Viral videos should only be considered if they are released as official featurettes.