The Milites were footsoldiers of Zamorak's armies during the 3rd Age. They were formed of any who wished to prove themselves on the field of battle. Each group of Milites was much smaller than their Phalanx counterparts, but they were much more mobile, fearsome, and disciplined on the field of battle, often employing complex tactics.
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| - The Milites were footsoldiers of Zamorak's armies during the 3rd Age. They were formed of any who wished to prove themselves on the field of battle. Each group of Milites was much smaller than their Phalanx counterparts, but they were much more mobile, fearsome, and disciplined on the field of battle, often employing complex tactics.
- Perhaps one of the most professional of all soldiers and the most lethal killers on battlefields throughout the Mediterranean, the predominantly Southern Italian Milites (pronounced as me-lee-tes) are the mainstain of Sicily's army, well until the Imperial Era. With ample speed, attack and armour, this monstrosity of a unit in large numbers can easily hold lines as much as break them, and are good for punishing non-unique melee infantry of the Dark and Castle Ages, especially those shared between different factions such as Fauchard Infantry or Suicide Soldiers. As medium infantry go, however, these units are not suited to work in loose formation. Their shorter reach with swords makes them prime targets for knights and pikemen, whose superior reach can be breached only with massive numbers
- thumb|300px|Wappen Das Imperium von Milites ist eines von vier Großreichen aus Orience, der Spielwelt von Final Fantasy Type-0. Es beheimatet den Byakko-Kristall, der für das Element der Waffen steht. Anders als bei den anderen Kristallen von Orience kann das Imperium dessen Kraft nutzen, um daraus Waffen und Magitek-Mechs zu erzeugen und weiterzuentwickeln. Es verfügt außerdem über ein gewaltiges Heer und verwendet zu Beginn der Handlung des Spiels seine militärische Streitkraft, um das benachbarte Reich Rubrum anzugreifen. Angeführt wird das Imperium von Cid Aulstyne. Der eigentliche Imperator hingegen gilt seit kurzem als verschollen, Aulstyne ist lediglich sein Stellvertreter. Milites bricht mit dem Angriff auf Rubrum ein langjähriges Friedensabkommen und setzt im Krieg die L'Cie Qun'm
- Milites were the trained private footsoldiers of Rome. These men were the non-specialist regular soldiers that made up the bulk of a Legion's numbers. Alongside soldiering, they also performed guard duties, labour work, building and other non-combat roles. Milites would usually have to serve for several years before becoming eligible for training to become immunes and thus become specialists with better pay. From the Latin root "Miles" derived words such as "Military" and "Militia".
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Row 9 info
| - *Library:
**Castle Age
*Upgrade of Militia
*Upgrades to Espadachines
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Row 5 info
| - *Pop cost: 1
*Resource cost: 40link=Resources#Food|Food; 40link=Resources#Timber|Timber
*Ramp cost: 1link=Resources#Food|Food; 1link=Resources#Timber|Timber
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| - *Good; blade
*Additional damage versus buildings
*Bonus damage against non-Imperial regional melee infantry
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| - *Unit movement speed: fair
*Creation speed: Medium
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Box Title
| - Milites: Vital statistics
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| - The Milites were footsoldiers of Zamorak's armies during the 3rd Age. They were formed of any who wished to prove themselves on the field of battle. Each group of Milites was much smaller than their Phalanx counterparts, but they were much more mobile, fearsome, and disciplined on the field of battle, often employing complex tactics.
- Perhaps one of the most professional of all soldiers and the most lethal killers on battlefields throughout the Mediterranean, the predominantly Southern Italian Milites (pronounced as me-lee-tes) are the mainstain of Sicily's army, well until the Imperial Era. With ample speed, attack and armour, this monstrosity of a unit in large numbers can easily hold lines as much as break them, and are good for punishing non-unique melee infantry of the Dark and Castle Ages, especially those shared between different factions such as Fauchard Infantry or Suicide Soldiers. As medium infantry go, however, these units are not suited to work in loose formation. Their shorter reach with swords makes them prime targets for knights and pikemen, whose superior reach can be breached only with massive numbers (and in the case of heavy cavalry, crushing superiority). In other cases, sufficient crossbow fire or the Slavic axe units of Russia and Poland can easily stop these erstwhile warriors in their tracks. Thus, keep them accompanied by Spear Sergeants and archers close by for maximum results. Despite the emergence of chivalry as a means of keeping the military aristocracy of mediaeval Europe from running amuck, not all warriors or knights often behaved with the decorum expected of good Christians. Many were often robber barons, attempting to atain more wealth and power through slaughter and looting. The Normans who moved in against the Byzantines and Muslims of southern Italy ultimately disguised their enterprises there as crusades against heathen foes in order to obtain the blessing of the Church - and to ultimately legitimise their claims in Italy and the Levant, even after having unsheathed their swords against fellow Christians. Not all of them fought against the Byzantines, however, and some of them eventually found service with Constantinople, and they were known as latinikon or frangoupoloi (usually cavalry).
- thumb|300px|Wappen Das Imperium von Milites ist eines von vier Großreichen aus Orience, der Spielwelt von Final Fantasy Type-0. Es beheimatet den Byakko-Kristall, der für das Element der Waffen steht. Anders als bei den anderen Kristallen von Orience kann das Imperium dessen Kraft nutzen, um daraus Waffen und Magitek-Mechs zu erzeugen und weiterzuentwickeln. Es verfügt außerdem über ein gewaltiges Heer und verwendet zu Beginn der Handlung des Spiels seine militärische Streitkraft, um das benachbarte Reich Rubrum anzugreifen. Angeführt wird das Imperium von Cid Aulstyne. Der eigentliche Imperator hingegen gilt seit kurzem als verschollen, Aulstyne ist lediglich sein Stellvertreter. Milites bricht mit dem Angriff auf Rubrum ein langjähriges Friedensabkommen und setzt im Krieg die L'Cie Qun'mi Tru'e und Nimbus ein.
- Milites were the trained private footsoldiers of Rome. These men were the non-specialist regular soldiers that made up the bulk of a Legion's numbers. Alongside soldiering, they also performed guard duties, labour work, building and other non-combat roles. Milites would usually have to serve for several years before becoming eligible for training to become immunes and thus become specialists with better pay. The Latin term eventually became synonymous with "soldier", a general term that, in Western Europe, became associated with the mounted knight, due to the fact that they composed the professional military corps during the Early Medieval Era. The same term, however, could design the infantry soldier (Milites Pedites). Other usages include the "Milites Templi", referring to the Knights Templar or Milites Sancti Jacobi (Order of Santiago). From the Latin root "Miles" derived words such as "Military" and "Militia".