| - Little is known about him, except that he is a man'ari eredar, he claims to be a prince, and that he is a member of the Burning Legion. It is unknown how or when he arrived at Karazhan or what his purpose there is. He apparently arrived while some agents of the Violet Eye were still alive inside Karazhan, notably Keanna. It was likely shortly before Karazhan was sealed, as the Violet Eye were aware of Keanna's death. From his loot, we can learn more about him and what he did before coming to Karazhan. He has the Sunfury Bow of the Phoenix, which could indicate that he has been in contact with the blood elves. Possibly, he sealed the alliance between Kil'jaeden and Kael'thas Sunstrider. He has also obtained Grom Hellscream's axe Gorehowl. It's possible that he went to Ashenvale and invocated the Demon in Demon Fall Canyon. If he has the Book of Medivh, the Burning Legion has a plan for him, invocating something (possibly Nightbane (boss) as the players) or for a future use. Anyway, he had to maintain the power and the influence of the Burning Legion in Karazhan. Due to his death giving the player the Karazhan achievement, he is now considered to be the tower's final boss. However, some used to consider the creature Nightbane to be the true final boss of Karazhan due to his superior difficulty in the early days of the dungeon's release. Their comparative difficulty is now disputed. In any case, Prince Malchezaar is a difficult boss for raids when they first reach him. Beating him requires good gear on everyone: The tank, the dps, and the healers. It also requires skilled execution by all players. Prince Malchezaar can be encountered after the Chess event and controls all of the trash between the Game Room and Netherspace.