| - "Something on your mind, Jethro?" came a voice behind him. Jethro: Come here, Selina. Selina: Okay Selina: What's on your mind, Jethro? Jethro: Do you know what today means to me, Selina? Selina: It's the aniversery of his death, isn't? Selina: (sighs, then turns her head to him), Jethro, it wasn't your fault. Jethro: I know I didn't kill him, but I should have been there. Selina: He told you to stay out it, rememer? Jethro: Yes, but....(Selina put a finger to his lips, silencing him)
| - "Something on your mind, Jethro?" came a voice behind him. Jethro: Come here, Selina. Selina: Okay Selina: What's on your mind, Jethro? Jethro: Do you know what today means to me, Selina? Selina: It's the aniversery of his death, isn't? Selina: (sighs, then turns her head to him), Jethro, it wasn't your fault. Jethro: I know I didn't kill him, but I should have been there. Selina: He told you to stay out it, rememer? Jethro: Yes, but....(Selina put a finger to his lips, silencing him) Selina: But nothing, Jethro. He told you to stay put, because that battle was marines vs pirates; and you are not a pirate, remember?