| - Capital: Brickacas, pop 15262 ▲ Major cities: Port The Cross Port Brick Valley of the Brick Marabrick Flag: Flag of Brickizuela: Golden Brickerica separated by the Atlantic from Bloody MegaSpain Green Fields Star of Liberty Official languages: English (used as official language) Spanglish (Common Language) Ethnic groups: Mixed (Mainly Native, Spanish, and Mestizo) Demonym: Minifigure Government: Monarchy (Constitutional Monarchy) Monarch: Legoboyvdlp VII, son of Prince Philip II and Princess Margaret. Chancellor: Raymond Maurice Guevara (Christian Coalition of Leaders) Legislature: Nationial Bricksembly Founding: Megspanish Colony since 1826 Independence Feb 9 2014 (242 days) Area: 1,314.211 ▲ Population: 66,361 ▲ (October 2014 census) Criminals: 0 ◆ (227 re-hab'd ▲) Working Citizens: 47,634 ▲ Tax Income: $3,137,175.24 / collection ▲(TAXINCOME=WORKINGCITIZENS*AVGTAXPERCITIZEN) Military personnel: 18,500 1800 reservists ▲ 6 Navy ▲ 60 planes ▲ 0 tanks ◆ Average Income $254.48 ▲ Economy Rating: Solid ◆ Currency: Brickizuelan Peso Infrastructure: 5,285.90 ▲ Resources: Uranium and Coal Environment: 6.00 ▲ GRL: 5.00 ▲ Happiness: 56.68 - Your population is pleased. ▲ Tax Level: 28% Crime Index: 0 (708 ▲ score) Time zone: UTC -4:30 (does not observe Daylight Savings) Drives on: Right side of road Motto: The LORD is our strength and our shield; Psalm 28:7 (Official) National anthem: To God be the Glory (Religious) (Fanny Crossby, 1872) Nation Views Political Views: Center-Left Wing Military Views: All citizens complete compulsory two-year military service, after which time they enter the Reserve, and may be called up in time of war. There is a standing army of 2,600. Some types of citizens are exempt from this rule if they fall under a reserved occupation. Nuclear Views: Brickizuela believes that nuclear weapons are not necessary. They promote the use of nuclear power as an alternate energy source. Citizenship Views: All persons residing in Brickizuela may become citizens if: a. Themselves, a parent, or grandparent were born in Brickizuela b. If so, they renounce other nationalities except those theirs by birth, and become naturalized, passing a test, a security check, and taking an oath. All persons born in Brickizuela with a. both parents Minifigures b. both mother/father and mother/father's family are Minifigures If they do not become citizens, they may get a residence permit, or stay for up to 6 months under a visa. Persons holding Religious and Professional Visas automatically receive Residence Permission. Drugs are not permitted without doctors orders, and an approved Form 173b. Brickizuela believes marriage to be between man and woman, and all other forms are considered illegal. Trade Policy: All trade is hereby cut off with enemies of my alliance, countries with history of inhuman treatment, and Communist countries.