| - Species native to Earth were given both a Latin name and a common name. (Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home; TNG: "Schisms" ) Many Earth proverbs were in Latin and were often used as mottos of starships or installations. A course based on this language was taught at Starfleet Academy. (TNG: "The Game" ) When Wesley Crusher was on leave from Starfleet Academy, Captain Jean-Luc Picard checked on his Latin by asking him: "Quomodo tua Latinitas est?" ([ˈkʷoːmɔdɔ ˈtuːa laˈtiːnɪtas ɛst]; "How is your Latin?") Wesley responded: "Praestat quam prius." ([ˈprajstat kʷam ˈpriːʊs]; "It's better than before.") whereupon the Captain responded: "Oppido bonum." ([ˈɔpɪdɔ ˈboːnʊm]; "Very good.") (TNG: "The Game" ) When counseling a de-aged Picard about his options, Deanna Troi suggested he go back to Starfleet Academy and brush up on his Latin, a suggestion he balked at. (TNG: "Rascals" ) The term arboretum was derived from the Latin word for tree, arbor ([ˈarbɔr]). This connection was noted by the Cairn Hedril in 2370. (TNG: "Dark Page" ) Q remembered Vash was called persona non grata ([pɛrˈsoːna nɔn ˈgraːta]), meaning "an unwelcome person", on Betazed. (DS9: "Q-Less") According to the Exarch Hadran of the Nehelik Province on the planet Rakhar, Croden was declared guilty in absentia (meaning, "in the absence") for crimes against his world. (DS9: "Vortex") The holographic Henry Burleigh advised his governess Lucille Davenport, played by Captain Kathryn Janeway: "In ullam rem ne properemus" ([ɪn ʊllam rɛm nɛ prɔpɛˈr eː mʊs]; "Let's not rush into anything"), and asked her whether her Latin was a little rusty when the Captain didn't understand his remark. Janeway admitted that her Latin was indeed a little rusty. (VOY: "Learning Curve") The holographic Seamus attempted to exorcise the spirit folk (actually the crew of USS Voyager) in 2376 by saying, "Ex labis caelestium sanctorum super ad aures atrorum larvarum mentientium." He followed up by translating the phrase: "From the lips of the heavenly saints above, to the ears of the dark and lying spirits". (VOY: "Spirit Folk")
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