| - September: The crew landed in an empty colonial house in New York where the UN formerly used to be. Using the calculations of the position of the stars the crew landed at the year 1775 in New York. With no way back, the crew begins PLAN C, to create a nation powerful and more advance that it will most likely control the CO2 emissions without the interference of other nations. Since the revolution is going on, they decided it would be the US and since it was the only nation going green back at 2074. October: Charlotte MacArnold meets the founding fathers and showed them an XM-29, able to shoot a target 500 meters away at a 100% accuracy, bought by himself. This actually stunned Washington and approved him to join the army. Kernal Frankenhurt, one of the crew members and an expert car designer works with Jessica Denduras, an engineer, to create the world's first automobile, after developing the battery using 18th century tech and aid traveling at long distances. November: Charlotte MacArnold decides to destroy the entire British Empire having been hated of the mistreatment to the colonies. Charlotte ordered the crew's best naval engineer, now the crew lives on the empty house they landed, to build a navy powerful enough to destroy the entire British naval force. December: Washington's army is equipped with XM-29s, Metal Storm Sentry guns, and bullet proof vest which give major advantages to the army. The crew's politicians quickly take over the Continental Congress using high public supportive and the promising to end the British Empire once and for all. The politicians agrees to attack Canada. Washington and his troops train, suggested by Charlotte, flanking and accurate training. Kernal Frankfurt finishes the first jeep and is mass produce in New York.