| - JOSEPH SLATER: (sitting quietly on his bed in his darkened room, shortly after midnight, staring straight ahead) ...a girl in a red dress... flowers in her hair. THOMAS NEWTON: Hmm. What kind of flowers? JOSEPH SLATER: Uh, I'm not sure. THOMAS NEWTON: Thank you, Mister Slater. It will come. (preparing medical tools) JOSEPH SLATER: Heather -- the flowers in her hair. The fl -- the flowers in her hair are heather. THOMAS NEWTON: Oh, I think so. Yes. (to his aide) Container. (to Slater as he takes foreceps to the back of his scalp) Now hold very still. I assure you there will be no pain. (pulls a bloody piece of tissue from the back of Slater's exposed brain. places the extracted tissue in a gelatinous suspension, then, to his aide) Let's close him up. (removes latex gloves) THIN MAN: (to Newton) Hold on. (to his tactical radio) Yeah? SMITH: (outside the facility, in to his radio) We've got activity. (inside, Newton's aide removes his pistol as an orderly approaches Slater's room) ORDERLY: Code Gray, Corridor ‘B’ (then grunts as he is shot twice in the chest) THIN MAN: (returning to Newton and Slater) We have two minutes, maybe three. THOMAS NEWTON: (to the silent Slater) Oh, my sincere apologies. (abandoning his patient before he has completed the medical procedure) I'd rather not leave you in such a state. (the inside team scurries to the nearest exit, packing their medical equipment as they go. outside, they hop into the waiting van and Smith drives them away) NURSE HOLBROOK: (responding to the security call, she enters the patient's room) Mister S - Slater? JOSEPH SLATER: (turning to face her with a third of his skull removed and much of his brain exposed. quietly) ... help me.