| - Opened Body is the 461rd chapter of InuYasha manga.
- Moody Blues' Retaliation (2)(ムーディー・ブルースの逆襲 その②Mūdī Burūsu no Gyakushū Sono 2), originally I'll Try!(やってみろ!Yatte Miru!) in the WSJ release, is the four hundred sixty-first chapter of the JoJo's Bizarre Adventure manga. It is also the twenty-second chapter of Vento Aureo.
- Enel's Great Space Operations Vol. 27: "I Want to say Thanks for Avenging our Professor".
- Far from the bustling metroplis Castelia City, Professor Juniper talks on the phone on a quiet Nuvema Town evening, mentioning that tomorrow is the day she's giving Snivy, Oshawott, and Tepig to the kids. She hangs up and prepares dinner, but is called out of the room by another phone call.
| - Far from the bustling metroplis Castelia City, Professor Juniper talks on the phone on a quiet Nuvema Town evening, mentioning that tomorrow is the day she's giving Snivy, Oshawott, and Tepig to the kids. She hangs up and prepares dinner, but is called out of the room by another phone call. Taking advantage of Juniper's absence, Tepig jumps onto the table and roasts her berry dinner, messily eating it himself. He sends hot bits of food flying, some of which hit Snivy, irritating it. Snivy and Tepig begin to fight, and when Oshawott intervenes, they both attack Oshawott. Infuriated, Oshawott chases them around the room wielding its scalchop, knocking over a pitcher of water accidentally. The noise attracts Juniper's attention, pulling her away from a videophone call with Fennel. She arrives to see the room is wrecked and all three Pokémon soaking and miserable, Oshawott with a pitcher stuck on its head. Tepig sneezes, producing smoke. Juniper, realizing that Tepig may have caught a cold, returns all three into their pokéballs and cleans up. As she does so, she wonders if the three Pokémon really are ready to form friendships with their trainers.
- Opened Body is the 461rd chapter of InuYasha manga.
- Moody Blues' Retaliation (2)(ムーディー・ブルースの逆襲 その②Mūdī Burūsu no Gyakushū Sono 2), originally I'll Try!(やってみろ!Yatte Miru!) in the WSJ release, is the four hundred sixty-first chapter of the JoJo's Bizarre Adventure manga. It is also the twenty-second chapter of Vento Aureo.
- Enel's Great Space Operations Vol. 27: "I Want to say Thanks for Avenging our Professor".