| - Or "The Garage Trap" or "The Car Trap" A man named Evan wakes up, glued to the driver's seat of a car that is propped up on its hind wheels by two car jacks. Evan is told by a tape placed in the tape deck of the car that his friends are in the garage with him and are also a part of his game, and that in order to prevent them from dying through a chain of events, he must reach a red lever located in front of him on the outer side of the windshield within 30 seconds. One of his friends, Dan, is located behind the car, with his arms and jaw chained to the rear end of the car, and his body to a pole behind it. His girlfriend Kara is strapped down underneath one of the propped-up wheels, and his third friend Jake is chained to the garage door directly in front of the car.
| - Or "The Garage Trap" or "The Car Trap" A man named Evan wakes up, glued to the driver's seat of a car that is propped up on its hind wheels by two car jacks. Evan is told by a tape placed in the tape deck of the car that his friends are in the garage with him and are also a part of his game, and that in order to prevent them from dying through a chain of events, he must reach a red lever located in front of him on the outer side of the windshield within 30 seconds. One of his friends, Dan, is located behind the car, with his arms and jaw chained to the rear end of the car, and his body to a pole behind it. His girlfriend Kara is strapped down underneath one of the propped-up wheels, and his third friend Jake is chained to the garage door directly in front of the car. In order to pull the lever, Evan has to reach forward and tear a massive portion of his skin off to disconnect from the carseat. The stationary car is also slowly accelerating as the timer counts down. Evan eventually fails to reach far enough in time and the car's hind wheels are released, causing one of the wheels to fall onto Kara's face, crushing it and gouging it into pieces. The accelerating car then speeds in the direction of the garage door and rips Dan chained to the car's arms and jaw off, while speeding through and ultimately killing Jake chained to the garage door. The trap ends with the car having a head on collision with another empty car outside of the garage and Evan being thrown through the window by the impact. Hoffman rigged the trap to be inescapable. Original Idea: According to audio commentary on the SAW 3D DVD, the directors were going to film Evan surviving the trap. The scene would play out the way it did only with the exception of Evan being taken to a hospital, but because Chester Bennington had such a tight schedule, he was only available for a day and the scene was unable to be filmed.