| - Actually, I'd say there were really only two mistakes. The thing about taking an airplane, and giving the pilot rum. If he'd been less drunk, he may not have fallen asleep. Of course, this is all speculation. Who knows for sure whether he wouldn't have just fallen asleep on his own, without any booze at all? Not me, that's for sure.
| - Actually, I'd say there were really only two mistakes. The thing about taking an airplane, and giving the pilot rum. If he'd been less drunk, he may not have fallen asleep. Of course, this is all speculation. Who knows for sure whether he wouldn't have just fallen asleep on his own, without any booze at all? Not me, that's for sure. Anyways, yeah, we crashed. I lived, for some reason, and the pilot didn't. The laws of fate and physics were kind to me that day. Well, not that kind. I mean, we did crash. But still, they were friendly. So, here I was, alone on this deserted Pacific island, with no hope of escape. I was totally fucked. Or so I thought....