| - Nearly all lifeforms seen in BIONICLE are biomechanical, with a few exceptions like Krana and Kraata being completely organic, while Bohrok are fully mechanical (while Bohrok seem to be grown, other machine beings are artificially made and not considered lifeforms). Organic parts of creatures are very similar to real-world biological systems; for instance, Matoran are known to have lungs and muscles like humans do. The mechanical halves tend to include things like armor, hydraulic cylinders, gears, etc. built into their forms, and Matoran also have glowing "heartlights" on their chests; these mechanical parts are not electronic like computers in the real world, but are rather clockwork mechanisms with gears, pistons, etc.
| - Nearly all lifeforms seen in BIONICLE are biomechanical, with a few exceptions like Krana and Kraata being completely organic, while Bohrok are fully mechanical (while Bohrok seem to be grown, other machine beings are artificially made and not considered lifeforms). Organic parts of creatures are very similar to real-world biological systems; for instance, Matoran are known to have lungs and muscles like humans do. The mechanical halves tend to include things like armor, hydraulic cylinders, gears, etc. built into their forms, and Matoran also have glowing "heartlights" on their chests; these mechanical parts are not electronic like computers in the real world, but are rather clockwork mechanisms with gears, pistons, etc. Because of this, lifeforms have exceptionally long lifespans easily reaching tens of thousands of years. Matoran have also shown the ability to rebuild themselves if necessary; the ones living on Mata Nui rebuilt themselves into stronger forms soon after the Bohrok attacks. And over the thousand years they spent in List of objects in Toa Canisters, the Toa Mata's organic parts decayed, but immediately regrew as they reassembled their mechanical parts upon arriving on Mata Nui. Matoran, at least, "eat" by absorbing energy directly from objects. On Metru Nui, Matoran could go to a place in Ga-Metru to recharge once a year. In more primitive conditions, they have to "snack" more often on things like fruits, berries, and fish.Official Greg Discussion p. 218, post #6516 No being in the BIONICLE universe has reproductive systems; gender differences are purely psychological. (Most of the Ga-Matoran are considered female, while other Matoran are considered male.) How new Matoran come into being is unknown, but they are "born" fully grown. But terms of family are not unheard of: Toa refer to each other as "brothers" and "sisters", recognizing their common bond as comrades-in-arms; this often extends to former Toa like Turaga and Rahaga. Makuta also has a Brotherhood, and has referred to its members as his "brothers"; he also uses this term when referring to Mata Nui, presumably referring to their once shared role of protecting the Matoran, and refers to the Rahkshi as his sons. Sidorak often proposed marriage to Roodaka, though in BIONICLE "marriage" is merely a form of political alliance. There has also been a little romance: Toa Matau occasionally flirted with Toa Nokama, and in the franchise's first year Hahli and Macku had relationships with Jaller and Hewkii, respectively; however, since that time romance has been downplayed and even outright ignored, as the storyline is geared towards preteen boys; and as a consequence the relationships between Matoran have turned from romantic to close friendship.