| - Soul Reavers are level 8 demons. They attack with weak fireball attacks that doesn't seem to hit over 5, and a stronger melee attack that hits up to 54. Therefore, players are advised to attack it from a distance so it sticks to the fireball attack. However, they have a special attack in which they leap towards the player, and has a grounding attack. Players may attack them from over the water so when they are grounded they fall into the water where the demons cannot reach.
- Soul Reaver is an enchanted two-handed sword +4 that can only be wielded by neutral and evil-aligned warriors and bards. It can deal 1d10+4 points of damage, has a -4 THAC0 bonus and a speed factor of 6. The weapon has the ability to give a cumulative THAC0 penalty of 2 each hit to enemies, which lasts 20 rounds. The weapon weighs 10 lbs.
- The Soul Reaver is Dio's Scythe. Strangely, Dio has another scythe named Deathstar. The Soul Reaver is used as an equipment, while Deathstar is his attacking weapon.
- Esta noche es la noche. Durante dos milenios, he esperado este momento. Si, yo, Raziel, he esperado esta noche para encontrarme, como desde hace dos milenios ha ocurrido, con el amor de toda mi vida. Yo, un vampiro, enamorado de una mortal. La conocí allá en el año 33 de la era cristiana, durante la crucifixión del Nazareno. Vestía una túnica negra, como si fuera un velorio. Lo irónico era que realmente era un velorio. Y, yo, cuando la vi, vendí mi corazón de ángel y de demonio a aquella mujer de gran belleza y alma eterna. Me hallaba rodeado de enemigos y, aun así, seguía viéndola. Ángeles y Demonios se hallaban en ese lugar aquel día, llorando y gozando respectivamente con aquel horrible espectáculo. Yo, un vampiro, nacido de la mezcla de la sangre de Dios y de Satán, sentía lástima por