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- Deimos is a moon of the planet Mars. It contains a malevolent race of aliens whose advanced technology allowed them to manipulate force fields to create monstrosities such as the Force Phantom. (1960s Animated Series)
- Deimos is the Greek god of terror and the son of Ares and Aphrodite. He and his twin brother, Phobos, were responsible for stealing Ares' chariot from Clarisse in The Demigod Files. In ancient myths, he accompanied Ares in his war chariot together with his brother Phobos. His Roman counterpart is Metus.
- Deimos was the outermost moon of Mars. It was settled by the World Community early in the Human colonization of space.
- Deimos was one of Mars's moons along with Phobos. During the War for Martian Independence in the 22nd century, a pressure dome was built on Deimos. The town was later named New Creswell. The Fern Neck Church of Christ was the last moral church on Mars. Most other churches, Christian or not, had been corrupted by money and power. Minister Lung of the Fern Neck Church of Christ led a massive Christian movement to Deimos later called the Fern Neck Christian Movement. This was done to prevent Minister Lung's church's demise at the hands of immorality. (Star Trek: G)
- Deimos was the Overlord of the Sages of Darkness. He lead them to victory, along with his small troop, the 26th Attack Squadron. His league did not fell undefeated; it only fell "undefeated, and old." He knew his legacy would live on.
- Deimos was one of the two moons of Mars in Earth's Solar System. Deimos was a very small moon. Mars' other - and much larger - moon was Phobos, which had been colonised by the Space Corps. Red Dwarf captain Frank Hollister spent some time on Phobos in his earlier years. Deimos itself was likely too small to be colonised by the Space Corps.
- In a parallel universe where Mars was the sight of the creation of human life, Deimos was the location of the Martian Defense Grid, due to its being the outermost moon of the planet.
- Deimos is a legendary Pokémon introduced in Pokémon Sun & Moon Versions. It is the trio master of the Evil Trio.
- Deimos is the smallest and the outer of the two Martian moons.
- Ares & Aphrodite
- Deimos is the God of Terror.
- Deimos is the son of Ares and Aphrodite.
- Deimos name is Janine.
- Stuff about Dei here
- In the 2360s, a copy of a painting of Mars and Deimos was hung on the wall in a corridor on the outpost on Relva VII. (TNG: "Coming of Age" ) A copy also hung in the guest quarters on the USS Enterprise-D (TNG: "Heart of Glory" , "Symbiosis" ), in the Great Hall in the Fleet Operations Center (TNG: "Conspiracy" ), and in the Drafting Room 5 of Mars Station. (TNG: "Booby Trap" ) The painting was created by Rick Sternbach. [1]
- Deimos is an oddity within the Madness series, due to his fondness for working with Sanford. His favorite weapons are a pair of assault rifles, which he uses with great effectiveness in Madness Combat 9. Deimos also seems to have a lighthearted side; he once tried to scare Sanford by jumping up on him wearing a dead agent's mask. This is ironic, considering how he is named after the Greek deity of terror. Deimos is also a heavy smoker, a trait that usually coincides with death in the Madness series.
- thumb|200px|Jak widać, Deimos jest nerką Deimos (gr. Pomocy!) – księżyc Marsa, wielka chłodnia, miejsce gdzie ważysz tyle co mysz, a budynkami rzucasz w wolnym czasie. Temperatura na jego powierzchni wynosi 0 stopni Korwina Kelwina. Według najnowszych badań, znajduje się tam baza wojskowa, w której Amerykanie gromadzą ciała kosmitów. Żywi kosmici nawet by się nim nie zainteresowali, bo jest krzywy (może dopadł go kosmiczny dresiarz?) i maleńki, a do tego podziurawiony bliznami po pryszczach kraterami (największe o średnicy trzech kilometrów). Ma kompleksy, bo jego braciszek Phobos jest większy i ładniejszy. Na dodatek, Mars go bardziej lubi.
- Deimos is a moon in orbit of the planet Mars, located in the Sol system. (ST reference: Star Charts)
- Deimos was a malevolent and power-hungry wizard, who envisioned himself ruling Skartaris; however, he only managed to shake down some kingdoms sporadically.
- Some museum on Mars' moon dedicated to the long dead Ice Warriors who are actually still alive and whoops now is a BUS story... Well, Museum Under Siege... MUS?
- The younger brother of Kratos, Deimos was abducted by Ares during his childhood to avert a prophecy about the destruction of Olympus. Coming of age in the Domain of Death, Deimos was fueled by hatred for the brother who failed to save him from his torment.
- In 2010, Deimos was released by Big Finish Productions.
- Deimos , auch Mars II genannt, ist neben Phobos einer der beiden natürlichen Satelliten des Planeten Mars. Benannt wurde er nach Deimos, dem Sohn und Begleiter des griechischen Kriegsgottes (lateinisch Mars). Deimos ist ca. 15,0 × 12,2 × 10,4 km groß.
- Deimos is the smaller and outermost of Mars’ two moons, named after Deimos (Dread) from Greek Mythology. It is also known as Mars II.
- Deimos era una luna del planeta Marte, pero actualmente orbita alrededor de la luna de Titán, sirviendo como Mundo Forja para los Caballeros Grises, con Manufactorums cubiertos de smog que producen armas y blindaje.
- Deimos is a Discipline created by the Lamia in their research of the dead and of Lilith. It provides vampires with some control over their own lifeless forms as well as dark spirits and the auspices of the Dark Mother. Deimos was replaced with a Mortis path, the Path of the Four Humours, in the Dark Ages: Storytellers Companion.
- Deimos was a moon of Mars. Further out than its brother, Phobos, by 2205 Deimos played host to a heavily armed base under the control of the Coalition for Neural Purity. It served as the Command and Control Center for their Automated Satellite Interdiction Network, a system designed to blockade the Conjoiners on Mars.
- Deimos (Δεῖμος, pronounced: dêːmos) is the Greek God of Terror. He is the cousin of Strife and Discord (As mentioned by Ares in HTLJ: Fade Out). After Strife's death, Deimos and Discord competed for Ares' affections and the position of the war god's second in command (HTLJ "Fade Out"). Though in the original mythology he and his brother Phobos (god of fear) were inseparable, Phobos (Φόβος, pronounced: pʰóbos) was never seen in the Xenaverse. Deimos literally means "panic" and ''dread'' in ancient Greek. He and his brother were meant to be sons of Ares and Aphrodite in the original Greek myths.
- [[Plik:deimospha.jpg|thumb|right||231 px|Deimos (lub Phobos) w anime]] thumb|right|300 px|Deimos i Phobos (manga) Deimos – jeden z kruków Rei Hino.
- Deimos es la más externa y más pequeña de las dos lunas del planeta Marte, siendo Phobos la otra. Es el escenario en donde se desarrolla el segundo episodio de Doom, The Shores of Hell.
- Deimos is one of Mars's moons. Starting in 2408, it was converted into the colony ship UESC Marathon. Deimos is the smallest and the farthest out of the two natural satellites. Deimos has an irregular shape while Phobos has a more rounded shape.
- Deimos is one of the diminutive moons of Mars. In John Barnes's Jak Jinnaka trilogy, Phobos is home to a Jovian League military base while Deimos is home to a Hive military base.
- Deimos is one of Mars' moons and a setting for many events in Zone of the Enders: 2167 IDOLO and Zone of the Enders: Dolores,i.
- The Ice Warriors fled to Deimos after radiation killed the soil of their home planet, Mars, putting themselves in suspended animation inside some catacombs for — according to the Eighth Doctor — "many millions of years". (AUDIO: Deimos) In the 21st century, the Deindum tried to make Deimos and Phobos leave Mars' orbit. Merlin sent Excalibur to Winifred Bambera and Ancelyn in order for them to use the sword to prevent the Deindum's plan from suceeding. (PROSE: Excalibur of Mars) File:MoonStub.png
- Nach ihrer Geburt auf Korriban widmete sich die junge Deimos bald den Studien der Dunklen Seite in der dortigen Sith-Akademie. Während des Trainings entwickelte sie enorme geistige Kräfte und lernte, mit der Macht den Verstand der Schwachen mit Schrecken zu brechen und ihnen ihren Willen aufzuzwingen. Ihre Karriere an der Akademie war von Erfolgen durch Brutalität und Grausamkeit gezeichnet, da sie neben Hinterhältigkeiten und geschickten Manipulationen auch viele ihrer Widersacher tötete. Schließlich stellten sich die anderen Sith gegen Deimos und zerstörten ihr Schiff im niedrigen Orbit des Planeten. Da sie vom Erfolg ihres Angriffs überzeugt waren, suchten sie nicht nach Deimos, die überlebt hatte und auf die Oberfläche Korribans floh. In der Zeit nach ihrem scheinbaren Tod schloss sich
- Deimos is a man who looks like a secret agent, wearing a blue suit and sunglasses. His partner, Phobos, is a small shapeshifting boar. They fight interdimensional crime! Deimos' real name is Seth Helper, brother of Jeremy Helper. He was a detective before he was killed. After he died, he got a job in Center World as an agent. CeNtEr WoRlD agents, Deimos and Phobos are the go-to guys for when transdimensional shit goes loose. That's exaggerated though, as most stuff doesn't warrent Center World's intervention.
- In Greek mythology, Deimos (Ancient Greek: Δεῖμος, pronounced [dêːmos], meaning "dread") was the personification of terror. He was the son of Ares and Aphrodite. He is the twin brother of Phobos and nephew of the goddess Enyo who accompanied her brother Ares into battle, as well as his father's attendants, Trembling, Fear, Dread and Panic. Deimos is more of a personification and an abstraction of the sheer terror that is brought by war and he never appeared as an actual character in any story in Greek Mythology. His Roman equivalent was Formido or Metus. Asaph Hall, who discovered the moons of Mars, named one Deimos, and the other Phobos - although the moons are very different and not twins like their namesakes.On the modern monument to the battle of Thermopylae, Leonidas' shield has a rep
- Deimos является обновлённым ремейком демона Phobos. Геймплей у двух уровней практически одинаковый, потому Deimos будет экстремальным демоном. В ремейке изменён лишь декор - использованы различные стили, однако тематика 1.9 была сохранена. Тем не менее, некоторыми частями многие игроки остались недовольны. В коллабе участвовали такие игроки, как InsanE, Cypher, Squirel, Straw, Splash, KugelBlitZ, BoldStep, Zenith, Failure444, TacoMacho, Hexhammer, Metalface221, AirSwipe и сам EndLevel, который намерен его проверить.
- Deimos is a central/supporting protagonist who first appeared alongside Sanford in Madness Depredation. He has a bandaged head, wears a headset and visor and has been seen wearing a vest with a white tank-top underneath. His first chronological appearance in the series is in Madness Combat 5: Depredation, and he appeared again in Madness Combat 5.5 as one of the protagonists, and makes his last appearance alive so far in Madness Combat 9: Aggregation. Overall, Deimos has killed 164 people in the series, which amounts to around 13% of the series' total kills. His partner is Sanford.
- Before the game, Deimos is teleported out of its orbit to float above Hell. By the time the lone Marine crossed over to Deimos, he found the human personnel there slain or transformed into zombies, and the complex was now under the command of a Cyberdemon and its minions, who were gradually transforming the advanced facilities built there by humans into a grim bastion of great evil. The base now had architecture that overlapped between the demonic style of Hell and the futuristic layout of the original man-made facility.
- Deimos var en Goa'uld, 'son' av Ares och 'bror' till Phobos. Han tjänade under sin far, åtminstone så långt tillbaka som Ma'chellos uppror på planeten Dendred, där han var känd för att ha drivit ett Ha'tak moderskepp. Agenter Ma'chello ha bytt kroppar med några av Deimos' Jaffa, lyckats få tillgång till Deimos' Ha'tak där de fortsatte att sabotera Transport ring ombord, inte längre skulle de producerar en ofarlig ström av energi som gick mellan uppsättningar av ringar, men nu skulle upplösas alla frågor i sin väg. Ma'chello agenter lämnade helt enkelt deras fälla på plats tills en förbokad tid när de aktiveras deras fälla och förstör Deimos "Ha'tak, tillsammans med hans bror, som de hade också saboterat, i en eldig explosion. De trodde att detta hade dödat båda Ares 'söner' samt förlora ho
- The Deimos (or simply Deimos) was a horrific and terrifying Licker-like bipedal B.O.W. that was suggested to have been created by Alex's scientists in Verona, but the type and implementation are unknown. It makes its only appearance in The Devil's Playground scenario as a boss. The Deimos is believed to have had many types created for shipment to the black market, though they are never seen and likely in storage, later destroyed with the ship.
- Deimos was a Goa'uld, the 'son' of Ares and 'brother' to Phobos. He served under his father, at least as far back as Ma'chello's rebellion on the planet Dendred, where he was known to have operated a Ha'tak mothership. Agents of Ma'chello, having swapped bodies with some of Deimos' Jaffa, managed to gain access to Deimos' Ha'tak where they proceeded to sabotage the transportation rings on board; no longer would they produce a harmless stream of energy which passed between sets of rings, but they would now disintegrate any matter in their path. Ma'chello's agents simply left their trap in place until a pre-arranged time when they activated their trap, destroying Deimos' Ha'tak, along with that of his brother which they had also sabotaged, in a fiery explosion. They thought that this had kil