Toque is an article of clothing in The Long Dark worn on the head. It is bright red in color. It is a common spawn in some locations and a random one in clothing containers and on corpses. Unlike the equally common dark Basic wool hat, the toque offers wind chill protection and is easier to repair, but does degrade much faster. Favored by most players over the basic wool hat when available.
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| - Toque is an article of clothing in The Long Dark worn on the head. It is bright red in color. It is a common spawn in some locations and a random one in clothing containers and on corpses. Unlike the equally common dark Basic wool hat, the toque offers wind chill protection and is easier to repair, but does degrade much faster. Favored by most players over the basic wool hat when available.
- A tall white hat worn by chefs.
- Toque is a young-adult zero Binome living in Mainframe, with a large bobble hat and poorly-shaven beard. His name is etched into the dark hat in white capitals and he always wears it around proudly. Toque is very sociable and hates being left alone. A bit of a party-goer, this binome never misses out on any lively or exciting function. If a congregation of Mainframe's populous should turn up, whether it is an interesting lecture or angry mob forming, you can guarantee Toque will be there. So far he has had many appearances.
- Él y su novia no eran la pareja más romántica - su idea de condimentar su relación estaba haciendo en la oscuridad. Se acercó a su casa a altas horas de la noche, cuando sus padres estaban fuera de la ciudad, y se acostó en su cama juntos. Apagó la lámpara de noche, sostuvo sus manos entre las suyas, y comenzó a besarla suavemente. Lo que pasa con la oscuridad es que aumenta sus otros sentidos. El sonido de su respiración suave, comenzando a acelerarse. El dulce aroma del perfume en la base de su cuello. El sabor de sus labios, y la sal en su piel.
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windproof bonus
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| - Toque is an article of clothing in The Long Dark worn on the head. It is bright red in color. It is a common spawn in some locations and a random one in clothing containers and on corpses. Unlike the equally common dark Basic wool hat, the toque offers wind chill protection and is easier to repair, but does degrade much faster. Favored by most players over the basic wool hat when available.
- A tall white hat worn by chefs.
- Él y su novia no eran la pareja más romántica - su idea de condimentar su relación estaba haciendo en la oscuridad. Se acercó a su casa a altas horas de la noche, cuando sus padres estaban fuera de la ciudad, y se acostó en su cama juntos. Apagó la lámpara de noche, sostuvo sus manos entre las suyas, y comenzó a besarla suavemente. Lo que pasa con la oscuridad es que aumenta sus otros sentidos. El sonido de su respiración suave, comenzando a acelerarse. El dulce aroma del perfume en la base de su cuello. El sabor de sus labios, y la sal en su piel. La sensación de las uñas comienzan a cavar en sus hombros. A pesar de la oscuridad, sus ojos se abrieron de golpe al darse cuenta de que sus dos manos seguían unidas firmemente dentro de su cuenta. Categoría:Fantasmas Categoría:Mentes trastornadas
- Toque is a young-adult zero Binome living in Mainframe, with a large bobble hat and poorly-shaven beard. His name is etched into the dark hat in white capitals and he always wears it around proudly. Toque is very sociable and hates being left alone. A bit of a party-goer, this binome never misses out on any lively or exciting function. If a congregation of Mainframe's populous should turn up, whether it is an interesting lecture or angry mob forming, you can guarantee Toque will be there. So far he has had many appearances. He was first seen hanging around Al's Wait & Eat talking to various Sprites, he then began cracking jokes to Bob at Number Seven's expense. (The Quick and the Fed) Toque was seen among other Binomes evacuating to the Principal Office to escape the Medusa Bug. Inside the Entrance Hall he was roasting cubic marshmallows. (The Medusa Bug) He was with a small party congratulating Bob in Dot's Diner for winning a Game Cube. He was impressed with how Bob targeted the character's weak-spot so easily. The large gathering soon irritated Cecil. (Enzo the Smart) The Binome was with other people cheering Bob for beating the User in an unseen Game that had landed in Baudway Sector. (The Great Brain Robbery) Toque was next seen enjoying himself immensely the Beverly Hills Energy Park. He pushed a blonde female bikini one Binome down the water slide before leaping after her. The Binome later turned up to celebrate Enzo's birthday party. (Talent Night) During Hexadecimal's painting of Mainframe's sky, Toque was seen walking along the street holding hands with the Secretary. Apparently the two were going out at the time. The pair marveled at the giant painting of a sun the virus added to the city's sky. (Painted Windows) Along with the dark blue hat-wearing Elwood, the small binome also attended Bob's presentation on "Games: A Survival Guide" held within the Principal Office. (AndrAIa) Toque was one of many who listened to Cyrus' propaganda campaign against Guardian Enzo and joined an angry mob into the Toy Racers Game Cube no less. He fled in terror with the others when the User appeared. After Cyrus and Enzo joined forces to defeat the User, Toque cheered on their stunning victory but cautiously backed away when a furious Megabyte arrived. (Firewall) Toque was seen being evacuated along with several other civilians by a CPU Tank when a Game Cube was landing in a section of the city. (Game Over)