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- Camping is a generic term for multiplayer where one or more players are fixed in a position, waiting for others to enter their area to take advantage over them, esp. sniping others around the map who are not in their area per se but. Although this strategy is effective under most circunstances, camping is highly frowned on by most players online and on the console version.
- Camping is an outdoor recreational activity that usually involves setting up tents at a camping site, usually in woodlands. People camp sometimes during fishing and hiking trips, and campers also occasionally take the opportunity to have a picnic. James and Julia were sitting at their camp just about to look at some of the photos they had taken of animals, while listening to their transistor radio, when suddenly they were shrunk.
- Camping ist ein Begriff, den man auch bei Ego-Shootern kennt. Bei Runes of Magic bedeutet beschreibt dies im PvE, wenn ein Spieler an bestimmten Stellen immer wieder die gleichen Gegner tötet, um an Talentpunkte und Erfahrungspunkte zu kommen. Im PvP beschreibt dies Spieler, die an Leichen anderer Spieler warten, um sie immer wieder zu töten. Kategorie:Begriffsklärung
- Camping is the fifth episode of the Fireman Sam Series 1.
- Camping is a step in a family/Person/Child's life when they run out of money and must move to the wilderness with all the wolves and shit. Camping is generally done outside, in what is known to campers as "the outdoors". Being in "the outdoors" mostly sucks and is called "the great outdoors" by people who don't want the outdoors to feel bad about itself, or when campers want to make the best out of a bad situation. I bet the last time you used the term was while imagining the prospects of smearing off the inside of your butt cheeks with a leaf after walking around for four hours in hard-ass boots. You don't usually hear people inside their house refer to it as "the great indoors", as they stretch in their recliner and pop open a cold one, now do you? Think about it.
- 'Camping' is a tactic used by agencies when they are taking a location. Due to the fast paced combat and many features camping is not nearly as powerful as many other games. Since all hit zones do the same damage it slows how fast you kill things compared to other games where hit zones do different damage depending on where you shoot. Due to effects like the jet packs, bionic jump and shields it makes camping a very inefficient tactic for mid-term times. Occasionally a sniper/recon would camp a location to add supporting fire but when the fight moves on or his teammates leave, so would he.
- Kilka miesięcy temu moja przyjaciółka, której pasją jest fotografowanie natury, zdecydowała się spędzić samotnie dzień i noc w lasach otaczających nasze miasteczko. Chciała zrobić zdjęcia dzikiej przyrody i umieścić je w swoim portfolio. Nie bała się zostać sama, obozowała samotnie już wiele razy przedtem. Ustawiła namiot na małej polanie i spędziła cały dzień na robieniu zdjęć. Zapełniła cztery rolki filmu. Kiedy je wywołała, odkryła, że cztery zdjęcia zostały zrobione wewnątrz jej namiotu i przedstawiały ją śpiącą w środku nocy.
- Despite the name sounding really gay, camping is one of the most manly activities that hasn't been declared illegal by wimpy liberal pussy-hippies.
- Featuring: Joel and Kiri Wood
- Mr. Men and Little Misses enjoy a camping.
- Camping is the thirteenth episode of season 3 in the animated series.
- Camping is defined as sitting on one level in the game to amass gold, experience and kills to an unnecessarily large degree, without any real progress in the game. This practice is highly frowned upon by most players, as it can disrupt the game. Camping is illegal in Green Realm and Red Realm.
- Camping es el décimo soundtrack de Naruto Película 2: Las Ruinas Ilusiorías en lo Profundo de la Tierra compuesto por Toshio Masuda. Categoría:Soundtracks Categoría:Banda sonora
- Camping es el décimo soundtrack de Naruto Película 2: Las Ruinas Ilusiorías en lo Profundo de la Tierra compuesto por Toshio Masuda. Categoría:Soundtracks Categoría:Banda sonora
- During times when Garfield is bored, Jon goes camping taking Garfield and Odie with him much to Garfield's dismay. When they camp, usually bad luck follows such as rain. The first time they went camping was on June 11, 1979 in which Garfield said that was the farthest he had been from the sandbox. In September 1988, Garfield went camping on his own.(By sleeping next to a picture of the Grand Canyon.) Camping was an occasional series in the 1980's and early 1990's but ended around 1997. The last time they went camping was on October 31, 2007. Once in 1989, they spent two weeks camping but were plagued by rain, snow, bears and pumas. When given a choice between camping and going to the family farm, Garfield chooses Camping.
- There are several various methods to camping; all which in general consist of avoiding a full head on confrontation with the opponent.
- Camping is a strategy widely known as "last effort" attack.
- Camping, anglicisme désignant le fait de rester à proximité d'un endroit précis et d'attendre l'apparition d'un joueur, d'un PNJ ou d'un mob, dans le but d'interagir avec lui – le plus souvent pour le tuer.
- 1. The Permanent Camping- This means that the player remains in their base to patrol enemies. Many players complain in this tactic. 2. Strategical Camping- Another type of tactic that camps in any place that you can camp. This tactic was used by higher ranks.
- Camping (also known as Father's Day) is the eleventh episode of Series 1 of Young Dracula. It is the one of just two episodes not to feature the character of Zoltan, the other being Sweet Sixteen.
- Das wiederholte Warten auf das Erscheinen eines Monsters, eines Gegenstandes oder eines NPCs, um denjenigen für XP, Gegenstände oder Geld zu töten.
- "Camping" is the eighth episode of season 3 of the NBC television series Parks and Recreation. It originally aired on March 24, 2011 to 5.15 million viewers.
- Le camping est une activité ludique se déroulant dans un espace agréer par la FDC (Fédération Des Campeurs) ou l'on y plante sa tente pour passer une agréable soirée ... mais bon ça ce n’est pas le vrai camping (cf plus bas).
- Camping är en utomhus fritidsaktivitet där man kan bo i ett tält. Löjtnant Tamara Johansen berättade för Löjtnant Matthew Scott att landskapet på Eden påminde henne om Olympic Peninsular var hon och hennes pappa brukade gå camping. (SGU: "Faith")
- From [[w:|]][[Category:nl: derivations|Camping]] camping.
- Camping is a series/season 1 episode of The Mr. Men Show.
- Bill Watterson acknowledged in The Calvin and Hobbes Tenth Anniversary Book that the camping strips were replacements for Calvin's short-lived Cub Scout outings.
- Best friends look out for you, huh? If they did, I might've still been able to walk. It all began not long ago. My friend Doug, his girlfriend Christy, and I were planning a "Forest Outing" as we liked to call it. Of course I was the one stuck packing the car, while they were just lying on the couch inside the warm house. I cursed under my breath as I crammed the last bag of clothes inside the back of the crappy Prius. A short time later they came out of the house, Christy blushing and warmer than usual.
- thumb|Das Außenteam beim Camping. thumb|Kirk, Spock und McCoy während ihres Campingurlaubs am Lagerfeuer Als Camping bezeichnet man eine Form des Tourismus, bei dem die teilnehmenden Personen im Freien oder in Zelten übernachten und den Abend oftmals am Lagerfeuer verbringen. Während ihres Landurlaubs 2287 verbringen James T. Kirk, Spock und Leonard McCoy diesen gemeinsam bei einem Campingurlaub im Yosemite-Nationalpark. (Star Trek V: Am Rande des Universums)
- Camping is an activity where people stay outdoors, away from home, in a shelter such as a tent, a caravan, or a motorhome. Camping was once done out of necessity, such as the travelers crossing the Oregon Trail. However, by the 20th century, it became a recreational activity. On March 3, 1850, Marty McFly, Jules Brown, and Verne Brown set up camp with the rest of the travelers while crossing the Oregon Trail.
- A load of infected firewood today could yield an insect infestation next spring capable of causing the girdling and death of vast numbers of branches and entire trees. The Department of Conservation & Natural Resources’ (DCNR) Bureau of Forestry is warning campers to leave behind any firewood you were considering hauling from home to the campsite. • Michigan • Ohio • Indiana • Ontario, Canada • Illinois • New York • New Jersey • Toronto, Canada Link to pictures of the emerald ash borer beetle and the Asian long-horned beetle and a multitude of related sites: DCNR state park advisories are posted at:
- As a child, Trip Tucker went camping with his friends, spending half the night watching the stars and wondering what Sol looked like from far away. In 2151, while Enterprise visited Archer IV, Tucker and Travis Mayweather took the opportunity to go camping and Tucker could view Sol from another planet. (ENT: "Strange New World") In the first draft script of ENT: "Strange New World", it was established that Henry Archer often took his son Jonathan on camping trips to Yosemite National Park.
- Camping in tents is the theme of several Swallows and Amazons books. In Swallows and Amazons and Secret Water it is associated with sailing, though in Swallowdale the Swallows are marooned on land without their boat. Susan always makes a stone fireplace for cooking: And a good place for a fire said Susan (SA4); All right .... I’m going to make a fireplace (SD12); Susan had built her usual stone fireplace (PP17); Susan was busy making a fireplace exactly as she wanted it, cutting slabs of earth and arranging them in a circle. (SW5).
- Camping is an outdoor recreational activity. The participants, known as campers, leave urban areas, their home region, or civilization and enjoy nature while spending one or several nights, usually at a , which may have cabins. Camping may involve the use of a tent, a primitive structure, or no shelter at all. Camping as a recreational activity became popular in the early 20th century. Campers frequent and , other publicly owned natural areas, and privately owned campgrounds.