| - A Daemonhost is an almost indescribably foul entity. Only the most debased cultists and most Radical of Inquisitors and Acolytes might contemplate creating such an abomination. A Daemonhost can be a powerful, but dangerous tool. Even the most tightly leashed is still a mighty creature, stronger and more resilient than any human and with potent psychic abilities. Each is also immensely knowledgeable, often more so than the most learned of malefic scholars, for a Daemon is not bound by the limits of reality. As a denizen of the Warp it knows the ways of the Immaterium and can see into the depths of men's souls. Despite the numerous risks, there are still many reasons to create a Daemonhost. Cults might create a Daemonhost as an act of worship, or to grant the daemonic object of their veneration a method to walk amongst its followers. A cult might bind a Daemonhost as a way for its magister to show his power and favour in the eyes of the gods, or simply as a weapon to use against the servants of righteousness. For those who serve as the Daemonhost's vessel, some are willing volunteers, members of Chaos-worshipping cults who give over their bodies so that their master may walk amongst them. Others are less self-sacrificing, having been captured by a cult and waking with a Daemon living inside their mind -- an experience likely to drive even the most strong willed into insanity. Inquisitors, particularly those of the Ordo Malleus and their servants could craft a Daemonhost for their own reasons. One Inquisitor might create one as a powerful weapon to wield in his fight against Chaos, believing that only another creature of the Warp can stand against its kind in battle. Another might bind a Daemon purely in order to interrogate the wily creature, plumbing the depths of its impossible knowledge for secrets to aid him in his work, or for insight into the activities of his enemies. A Daemonhost, like all Daemons, is a liar. Although bound through powerful eldritch rites to serve its creator, a Daemonhost constantly plots and schemes against him and, depending on the strength and nature of its bindings, might cajole and threaten him. A Daemonhost might prefer to play the role of the obsequious servant, for example, biding its time until the opportunity arrives to break its fetters and wreak vengeance on its summoner. Regardless of how it behaves, no Daemon willingly serves a human. Each Daemonhost despises and loathes its binders and masters and seeks constantly for some way to change the state of affairs. A Daemonhost is a powerful creature, the walking embodiment of the Warp. With few exceptions, the Daemon bound within a host is potent, on the level of a Herald and Daemon Prince, because the wards and bindings that enslave a Daemonhost also fetter its power. A lesser Daemon bound to a host is weaker than that Daemon would be otherwise, and seldom worth the risk of summoning and binding in the first place. A Daemon Prince, Herald, or other potent Daemon, however, even when bound, is almost unbelievably powerful. However, one who would create a Daemonhost faces a choice, as the more tightly bound a Daemonhost is, the less powerful, while the more loosely bound, the more free it is to resist its master and the more likely to escape its bindings altogether.