| - The following is a list of abilities in Theatrhythm Final Fantasy. Abilities are divided into blue Reactive Abilities, which activate under certain conditions, and green Proactive Abilities, which are continuously active, and there are several sub-types among the two types as well. Party members have a predetermined amount of ability slots, and can only equip either of the two ability types in a slot of the matching color—a party member with a blue slot cannot equip a Proactive Ability in that slot, for example. Equipping abilities costs CP, and a party member's equipped abilities cannot exceed their CP.
| - The following is a list of abilities in Theatrhythm Final Fantasy. Abilities are divided into blue Reactive Abilities, which activate under certain conditions, and green Proactive Abilities, which are continuously active, and there are several sub-types among the two types as well. Party members have a predetermined amount of ability slots, and can only equip either of the two ability types in a slot of the matching color—a party member with a blue slot cannot equip a Proactive Ability in that slot, for example. Equipping abilities costs CP, and a party member's equipped abilities cannot exceed their CP. The iOS version completely changes the format of abilities. Due to the lack of customization, character abilities change with every 5 levels. Because of this, the previously set ability will be removed and replaced with a completely new one. Should the player want to keep this ability, then they must avoid leveling up that particular character, unless that character has reached level 99, wherein one has the option of resetting their level back to 1, though this can only be done a maximum of three times. The default playable characters retain their Limit Break from Level 40, but lose it upon reaching level 60. In addition, purchasable characters begin with two abilities, whereas default characters begin with only one.