| - Steve who? Bartman is never born, he's not there that night to interfere with Alou and the Cubs win the pennant that night to advance to the world series for the first time in 58 years! In New York for game one of the World Series, we see a matchup of David Wells verus Kerry Wood. The Cubs score a run in the top of the 5th with Alex Gonzalez hit a solo homer but for the rest of the night the Cubs bats are silent. The Yankees score five times behind the hitting of Hideki Matsui, Jorge Posada, Robin Ventura and Bernie Williams. The Cubbies fight back, taking game two by a score of 9-5 behind the hitting of Aramis Ramirez who accounts for five runs for Chicago! In game 3 the Cubbies take the lead in the series with Eric Karros the hero of the night with two RBI's. Hideki Matsui hits a double in the top of the 9th and Posada scores for the Yankee's but it's too little too late and the Cubs lead the series 2-1. Another slugfest in game four as the two teams combined for a total of 14 runs. The Yankees took a 5-4 lead into the bottom of the sixth inning but the Cubs bats would not be denied. Alex Gonzalex singled in Alou to tie it up, Eric Karros scored on a Simon single and then Gruzdielenak scores Alex Gonzalez... To finish out the inning, Corey Patterson hits a double and watches Simon and Gruzdilenak score two more runs for the Cubbies! At the end of the night the Cubs are just one game away from their first World Series crown in 95 years! Game 5, never has there been such tension to the game... Streets around Chicago are impassable... Casual baseball fans are tuned in at home, even people who don't like baseball are watching at home or listening to their radios... Going into the seventh inning neither team has scored... Cubs fans are on the edge of their seats as they fear a letdown at any minute... In the top of the seventh Aramis Ramirez knocks one out of the park to give the Cubs a 1-0 lead... In the top of the eight that jubilation is quieted when Nic Johnson knocks one out of Wrigley Field himself... In the bottom of the 9th, it's so quiet you can hear the knees knocking of just about the entire city of Chicago... Corey Patterson up at the plate with Sosa on first... Patterson swings on the first pitch, it's in the air clutching the foul line and hits the left foul pole and into the stands for a game winning homerun! CUBS WIN! CUBS..... WIN! Fans jump from the stands onto the field, players crying, fans crying; Yankees cannot seem to find their way off the field... Outside Wrigley Field it's madness as patrons of the local establishments pour out on the streets of Chicago to celebrate... The celebrating last for weeks and Corey Patterson is named World Series MVP... and far away, in Sandston, VA, a local man makes good on his promise that if the Cubbies win the World Series, he is going streaking...