| - An Act of the Grand Washingtonian Assembly (simplified to Act of the Assembly) refers to a statute which has been enacted by that body in the Kingdom of Washingtonia. These Acts are classified into each of Washingtonia's four legal fields, namely: A draft statute is referred to as a "Bill", and an enacted forceful statute is usually referred to as an "Act", unless the Grand Assembly specifically and intentionally chooses another form of naming. The Statute of Limitations of 1959, for example, omits the word "Act", as the word "Statute" is already present.
| - An Act of the Grand Washingtonian Assembly (simplified to Act of the Assembly) refers to a statute which has been enacted by that body in the Kingdom of Washingtonia. These Acts are classified into each of Washingtonia's four legal fields, namely:
* Constitutional law, which would include the Constitution and statutes related to that document's interpretation and application.
* Administrative law, which would be statutes specifically related to process and procedure of government as well as the interplay between government entities
* Private law, which includes contract law and family law (among others) which relate to the regulation of the private realm of affairs.
* Criminal law, which essentially consists of the Penal Code in its entirety, but also supporting legislation and the odd offence not found within the Code. A draft statute is referred to as a "Bill", and an enacted forceful statute is usually referred to as an "Act", unless the Grand Assembly specifically and intentionally chooses another form of naming. The Statute of Limitations of 1959, for example, omits the word "Act", as the word "Statute" is already present.