| - This just in from The Register: Brian Chase, a 38 year old employee of Rush Delivery in Seigenthaler's home town of Nashville, Tennessee, admitted to making the edit and has apologized to Seigenthaler. The reason he gave to the New York Times was most revealing. Chase thought Wikipedia was a joke site and he made the edit to amuse a colleague. From which we conclude that the spoof site Uncyclopedia, which consists entirely of fictional entries, is doing far better than expected, and that Wikipedia has a long way to go to rid itself of the image that it's a massive, multiplayer shoot-em-up game, or MMORPG.
| - This just in from The Register: Brian Chase, a 38 year old employee of Rush Delivery in Seigenthaler's home town of Nashville, Tennessee, admitted to making the edit and has apologized to Seigenthaler. The reason he gave to the New York Times was most revealing. Chase thought Wikipedia was a joke site and he made the edit to amuse a colleague. From which we conclude that the spoof site Uncyclopedia, which consists entirely of fictional entries, is doing far better than expected, and that Wikipedia has a long way to go to rid itself of the image that it's a massive, multiplayer shoot-em-up game, or MMORPG. The Reg article was linked from Slashdot. I think we all have a Moral responsibility to take another shot of Tequila to celebrate and/or commisserate. -- 23:46, 12 Dec 2005 (UTC) WE MUST SUE THEM FOR LIBEL! They have defamed our good name and insulted the quality of our writers and articles! How could they give so much credit to a site like Wikipedia that provides nothing but outright lies, then contrast our site unfavorably against them?! 23:55, 12 Dec 2005 (UTC) "There's no Wikipedia entry for 'moral responsibility" -- There is now! I say, next time Uncyclopedia gets slashdotted and teh high traffic makes the site crash 'n burn so we get error messages and slowness, WE SHOULD SUE 'EM! WHO'S WITH ME!? --Nerd42 02:18, 13 Dec 2005 (UTC) The fact that Wikipedia manages to look credible enough in the first place to fool people is enough to impress me. It's only by some sort of internet miracle that it doesn't look like this. --Spintherism 03:23, 13 Dec 2005 (UTC) Looks like someone's been busy: [1] -- 12:41, 13 Dec 2005 (UTC) It's just immature vandalism. Why's this getting such serious attention? This is fairly common on wikipedia. -- 12:42, 15 Dec 2005 (UTC) New York Times --Nytrospawn 17:21, 16 Dec 2005 (UTC) Oh crap. Why did you make me click that? who cares that they think. --Nerd42 18:28, 16 Dec 2005 (UTC) I really hope you're making an attempt at humor by being sarcastic and that you're not that dumb.--Sir Flammable KUN 23:37, 16 Dec 2005 (UTC) Uh, yeah, that was an attempt at humor/sarcasm, and had nothing to do with it being the old york times, though I am of course not a great fan of the old york times. --Nerd42 23:51, 16 Dec 2005 (UTC)
* You seem to have dropped your comment. I decided to put it back up here for you. (Hugs!) --Sir Flammable KUN 03:25, 17 Dec 2005 (UTC) which wha? was "Why did you make me click that?" missing after my last edit? Perhaps when I copied something to the clipboard I hit "cntrl+X" instead of "cntrl+C" or something. --Nerd42 21:51, 17 Dec 2005 (UTC) He means this edit, ya noob. -- 02:17, 18 Dec 2005 (UTC)