| - Twin Pines Mall, later known as Lone Pine Mall, is a shopping mall where Dr. Emmett Brown chose to show Marty McFly the new DeLorean time machine he had invented. At 1:21 a.m. on October 26, 1985, Doc's dog, Einstein, becomes the world's first time traveler leaving behind a pair of fire trails after the DeLorean accelerated to the necessary 88 miles per hour. During the experiment, Doc became nostalgic and remembered that Old Man Peabody used to own the land on which the mall sat in 1985. He noted that Peabody bred pine trees as a hobby. In the altered 1985, the mall was owned by BiffCo.
| - Twin Pines Mall, later known as Lone Pine Mall, is a shopping mall where Dr. Emmett Brown chose to show Marty McFly the new DeLorean time machine he had invented. At 1:21 a.m. on October 26, 1985, Doc's dog, Einstein, becomes the world's first time traveler leaving behind a pair of fire trails after the DeLorean accelerated to the necessary 88 miles per hour. During the experiment, Doc became nostalgic and remembered that Old Man Peabody used to own the land on which the mall sat in 1985. He noted that Peabody bred pine trees as a hobby. When Marty traveled to 1955, he accidentally ran over one of a pair of pine trees in Mr. Peabody's front yard. When Marty returned to 1985, there was only one pine tree at the front of the mall and as a result the mall's name was changed to Lone Pine Mall. This was also an important location because it was where Doc was shot by Libyan terrorists until Marty wrote the letter forewarning of it in 1955. Although Doc tore up the letter on discovering it, he later stuck it back together with scotch tape, read it, and subsequently wore a bulletproof vest on the night of October 26. A Fox Photo stand was located in the mall's parking lot — that is, until it unfortunately got in the way of the the Libyans' Volkswagen Station Wagon. In the altered 1985, the mall was owned by BiffCo. In the 1986A timeline, the mall was again owned by the Tannens and named Tannenville Mall. According to the sign, the following services were present:
* 6 casinos
* 15 bars
* 8 gentlemen's clubs Sometime in 1992, Walter Wisdom made a public appearance at Lone Pine Mall, which Marty and Verne Brown attended.