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- He is similar in presentation to Piccolo in that they are both serious, green-skinned and wear weighted clothing. He is very strong and at least equal in strength to Goku in his maxed Super Saiyan form that he used against Perfect Cell. In addition to his great strength, and most notably his speed, he has powerful techniques, including an "Omega Mode" that is similar to Goku's Kaio-ken, in that it provides a brief but incredible boost to energy, speed, and strength. He is able to create Dragon Balls and had granted Shenron with some new powers.
- Die Stämme im blutigen Land nennen sich Kor, von den Bürgern des alten Reiches werden sie jedoch nur Barbaren genannt. Einstmals gehörte ihnen die Ostmark, bis das Land durch das alte Reich erobert wurde. Seither gibt es zwischen beiden Gemeinschaften immer wieder blutige Kämpfe. Jeder der Stämme besitzt zwei Anführer, einen Schamanen, der für die Geisterwelt zuständig ist, und ein Stammesanführer, der die Angehörigen in den Kampf führt. Der Schamane hat üblicherweise jedoch mehr Einfluss. Der Tarn ist ein heiliger Gegenstand der Kor.
- Kor, son of Rynar, was a Klingon warrior, later Dahar Master, who was later quite renown in the Klingon Empire. He would later die in battle against the Dominion, though this is open to personal translation.
- Kor is a character from He-Man and the Masters of the Universe.
- Kor (dawniej Szasta) - główny bohater powieści Koń i jego chłopiec, starszy brat bliźniak Korina, syn króla Luny, przyszły mąż Arawis oraz król Archelandii
- Kor is the main antagonist of Jak II, and the leader of the Metal Head race. During Jak II he served as the opposing factor of Baron Praxis, and, while in disguise as a human, an inside-man working for the Underground resistance movement, charged with watching over the Kid (young Jak, the heir to the throne of Haven City). He worked for the Underground in order to both sabotage the Baron's deal with him, and also get close to both Jak, set to destroy him, and the Kid, the only one pure enough to activate the Precursor Stone.
- Kor was a tribal living in Arroyo.
- The home world of the Wulfren species.
- Kor is a dastardly beast, leading the Korbloxians against all who oppose them. Out of the rise of Korbloxians, Kor was the most merciless, brutal, and soul-hating Monster to birth upon this world. Defeating him won't be like defeating Graahken'Hulk.
- Kor, fils de Rynar, était le dernier fils de la Maison de Kor et descendant de la Famille Impériale Klingonne. Il figurait parmi les guerriers les plus influents et respectés de l'Empire Klingon durant les 23ème et 24ème siècles. Kor fut un Klingon affecté par le virus des Améliorés créé par l'ingénierie génétique en 2154. (ENT: "Divergence") Il ne fut pas clarifié, s'il était né Amélioré ou s'il fut contaminé au cours de sa jeunesse.
- Kor is an orc stable master who can be found in front of some Riding Wolves at Venture Bay (when the Horde are in control) in the Grizzly Hills. Kor is most likely a reference to the Star Trek character of the same name. See Grizzly Hills NPCs.
- thumb|Kor im Jahr 2267... thumb|…und im Jahr 2375. Kor, Sohn des Rynar, ist ein berühmter klingonischer Krieger und letzter Führer des Hauses von Kor. Außerdem trägt er den Titel eines Dahar-Meisters. Er ist ehemaliger Militärgouverneur von Organia, sowie ehemaliger klingonischer Botschafter auf dem Planeten Vulkan. Desweiteren verbindet ihn eine enge Freundschaft mit Kang, Koloth, Curzon Dax und Jadzia Dax. (DS9: )
- Kor, « Grabat ou Maladie ? », est le nom donné au lit de la déesse des morts, Hel. Catégorie:Mythologie Germanique
- Kor är Unas ord som uttalas (kore) vilket betyder järn, metall, stark, hård. (SG1: "Stargate SG-1: The Ultimate Visual Guide")kategori:Unas språk
- Kor, son of Rynar was a male antagonist on the original Star Trek television series who later became a protagonist. Portrayed by John Colicos Kor was one of the first Klingons seen on television when he appeared on the episode Errand of Mercy. In addition to the original series Kor also appeared on the animated series, Deep Space Nine, and in various media.
- Kor is a warrior from a species of alien called the Klingons and serves as the main antagonist of the series. He hails from another universe and has come to the Planet of the Apes to aid General Marius in taking over Ape City by giving them updated and more powerful weapons. It's revealed that since the Klingon Empire was under the effects of the Organian Peace Treaty with the Federation, the empire looked for a different means of conquest. So, Kor and his crew crossed over into the Planet of the Apes universe, thanks to a series of drones that opened up a portal. Kor wanted to use Marius as a puppet ruler so the Klingon Empire could conquer and plunder the Ape's universe.
- Kor was a young man from a tribe of nomads. He and his people were enemies of the Tretomlec tribe. This article is a stub, or very short article, that is most likely incomplete and needs expansion.
- [[Imagen:Kor, 2266.jpg|right|thumb|Comandante Kor en 2267 interpretado por John Colicos]] [[Imagen:Kor, 2375.jpg|right|thumb|Comandante Kor en 2375 interpretado por John Colicos]] Kor, hijo de Rynar (tlhIngan Hol: qor), el último hijo de la casa de Kor, descendiente de la familia Imperial Klingon, fue uno de los guerreros más influyente y respetado por la mayor parte del Imperio Klingon.
- Kor is a Nord assassin member of the Dark Brotherhood. He is found at their sanctuary on the Gold Coast. Kor is the one responsible for Hildegard joining the Brotherhood. Acting as her only friend and protector, he brought her to the sanctuary to keep her from causing harm to herself and others due to her lycanthropy.
- Kor was a Klingon Dakan Master. He was among the most influential military figures of the Klingon Empire. He briefly held governorship of Organia. (TOS: "Errand of Mercy") At one point, Kor had another encounter with Captain James T. Kirk in an attempt to test the Organian Peace Treaty. (Deguello) In 2269, he led one of two divisions during the Battle of Caleb IV. It was his first command as a flag officer. (DS9: "Once More Unto the Breach")
- Kor was the last son of the House of Kor and descendant of the Klingon Imperial Family. He also had a son. He was descended from Klingons affected with the augment virus created in 2154, a product of 22nd century Klingon genetic engineering. By the 24th century, he was cosmetically indistinguishable from an average Klingon. (ENT: "Divergence"; DS9: "Blood Oath"; TOS: "Errand of Mercy" )
- In parables he was described as an old and grey-haired but strong man, whose advice was sought by gods and mortals alike. Like other Zakharan gods he was above such concerns as alignment, as wisdom was sought by an altruistic healer as well as by an evil leader of holy slayers. His faith placed value in stability, order and tradition. Seeking the advice of one's elders and learning from one's mistakes were very important to his followers.