| - Vulcan blood was green due to its being based on copper. (TOS: "Obsession" ) Green leafy vegetables were sometimes referred to simply as "greens." (TNG: "The Neutral Zone" ) In 2268, Montgomery Scott was at a loss to describe an alcoholic beverage to Tomar, and settled on "it's green." (TOS: "By Any Other Name" ) In 2367, while trying to choose clothing for her date with Timicin, Lwaxana Troi wondered aloud whether he liked green. (TNG: "Half a Life" ) As a child, Worf knocked over a big green lamp in the Rozhenko family home, something his son Alexander Rozhenko also did. In 2368, Helena Rozhenko mentioned this to Worf with fondness, something which confused him, as he didn't recall her smiling over his exuberance. She admitted that she might have done so once when he wasn't looking. (TNG: "New Ground" ) In 2369, Data described Aldebaran whiskey to Scott as simply being green. (TNG: "Relics" ) Aside from Beverly Crusher and her mother Isabel Howard, all of the Howard family women had green eyes. Crusher mentioned this in 2370 after Deanna Troi commented on Felisa Howard's remarkable green eyes. (TNG: "Sub Rosa" ) In 2374, "Lumba" suggested that Slug-o-Cola change its slogan to "Drink Slug-o-Cola and keep your teeth a sparkling shade of green. (DS9: "Profit and Lace") In 2375, after seeing Vic's lounge rake in the profits following his takeover, Frankie Eyes questioned whether Kira Nerys had ever seen a prettier shade of green. (DS9: "Badda-Bing, Badda-Bang")