- Navigate: Investing Glossary... (edit) See also: Acronyms... Bond Glossary... Buzzwords... Glossary of Technical Analysis... Life Insurance Glossary... (edit) __NOEDITSECTION__
- Weight - 0.0s
- The "Fill" option will instantly fill a basket with up to 5 fruit from the player's inventory. "Empty" will remove all of the basket's contents, provided there is room. Baskets can be filled with apples, bananas, oranges, strawberries or tomatoes.
- Basket är en lagsport där två lag med fem spelare försöker poäng genom att kasta eller "skjuta" en boll genom den övre delen av en basketkorgen. Sgt. Bates var förtjust i den här sporten och ofta såg det med sin bror. (ATL: "Letters from Pegasus") Överstelöjtnant Cameron Mitchell och Dr Daniel Jackson sågs spela basket vid flera tillfällen och en gång slog upp mot Vala Mal Doran och Teal'c. (SG1: "Beachhead", "The Fourth Horseman, Part 1")
- The "Fill" option will instantly fill a basket with up to 5 fruit from the player's inventory. "Empty" will remove all of the basket's contents, provided there is room. Baskets can be filled with apples, bananas, oranges, strawberries or tomatoes. There is currently a glitch with baskets where right-clicking and selecting the "fill" option from the inventory while the bank interface is open will cause one fruit to be taken from the player's inventory, and the remaining four to be taken from the player's bank.
- Baskets can be filled with apples, bananas, oranges, strawberries or tomatoes.
- A basket was a type of container made of wood, plastic or other materials, often used for packaging food for picnics, much like a lunchpail. Marvin, Wendy and Wonder Dog take a picnic basket to the Gotham City Museum, after a bike ride on Marvin's motor-scooter. Doctor Hiram Gulliver once sent his pet cat Igor to Wonder Woman at the Hall of Justice in a basket.
- A basket of five Funghi talking to each other. In Mushroom Garden Deluxe this is called Nameko Mix
- At level 16 if you have the Island Workshop mill, this recipe will unlock.
- Baskets are objects that are similar to crates, but are smaller and come in two varieties. Fox McCloud came across these baskets while on his expedition on Dinosaur Planet.
- The Basket was made by Helen with sprites by Donna and can be found at Helen's Bibble Directory.
- "Hai sa jucam BaschEt!"-Nistor despre BaschEt BaschEtul este sportul preferat al copiilor de la 9C, desi doar un sfert din clasa il joaca, si din aceia 50% habar n-au sa dea la cos. Campioana la BaschEt este Madalina, care stie tactici sacre de punere a mingii in cos. De asemenea, ea este omul cu cele mai multe fashuri date de pe fata pamantului. BaschEtul este un sport in care nu trebuie sa-ti folosesti capul, ci doar imaginatia. Image:BasketMaster.JPG BaskEtul clasei noastre fiind atat de popular, un joc bazat pe acesta a fost creat, pe si mai populara consola XBOX 690.
- The Empty Basket is all that is left, if Graham eats the goodies inside the Basket of Goodies
- A differenza di ciò che voi nerd avete sempre pensato, esistono diversi stili di basket, differenti al punto da poter essere considerati degli sport a sé. Distinguiamo così il basket italiano, anche detto pallacanestro, il basket americano, anche detto basket Enbiéi (NBA), e il basket femminile, anche detto pallacesso. Vediamoli ora in dettaglio.
- A basket is a object that is made out of certain materials. It can carry a wide variety of objects in it.
| - Ahmet, Bashira, Beatrice, Bertha, Bezil, Gladys, Gorn, Gree Dee, Halif, Lubo, Maro, Maun, Nezil, Perod, Pompan, Red Lilly, Rock In A Hard Place, Sarina, Shiantis, Timur, Zora
- Beatrice 6 gp
- Beatrice 6 gp
- Pompan 6 gp