Attributes | Values |
| - Victor Creed (Earth-1315)
| - Sabretooth is sufficiently strong to lift in excess of 800 lbs.
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| - Large, sharp teeth and claws; scar over eye that was impaled
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| - Zebadiah Creed , Maria Howlett , James Howlett Jr , Brandon Hardy
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| - Brotherhood of Evil Mutants
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| - Sabretooth is an excellent hand to hand combatant, having received training in martial arts over the course of his extended lifespan. He has proven himself to be a capable field leader and an expert tracker, even without using his senses.
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| - The claws at the tips of Sabretooth's fingers have been bonded with Adamantium, rendering them extremely resistant to all types of physical damage. The Adamantium has only further enhanced the razor sharp edge to his claws, allowing them to rend almost any substance. He also has four retractable Adamantium claws implanted and housed in his forearms, much like Wolverine.
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| - Sabretooth possesses various superhuman abilities as a result of genetic mutation and artificial augmentation and are nearly identical to those possessed by Wolverine.
- Superhuman Strength: Sabretooth is super-humanly strong, though the limits of his strength aren't known. He has shown sufficient strength, however, to easily shatter a large oak tree by tossing Wolverine against it.
- Regenerative Healing Factor: Sabretooth's primary mutant power is an accelerated healing factor that enables him to regenerate damaged or destroyed bodily tissue far more extensively than an ordinary human is capable of. Injuries that result in massive tissue damage and blood loss, such as numerous slashes and punctures from Wolverine's claws and bullet wounds, heal completely within moments. After being decapitated, his head remained connected to his body via very small amounts of tendons and muscle tissue, allowing him to fully repair the damage eventually. The unique regenerative qualities of his healing factor also greatly suppress his natural aging process. Though far older than he actually appears, he has the physical appearance and vitality of a man in his prime. His healing factor also extends to his immune system, rendering him immune to the effects of all diseases and most toxins.
- Seemingly the powers of Wolverine.
- Superhuman Agility: Sabretooth's agility, balance, and bodily coordination are all enhanced to levels that are beyond the capabilities of a normal human, even the finest human athlete.
- Superhumanly Acute Senses: Sabretooth's senses of sight, smell and hearing are enhanced to superhuman levels and are comparable to those possessed by some animals. He can see much farther and with much greater clarity than a normal human. He retains this same level of clarity at night, enabling him to see perfectly in near-total darkness. Sabretooth's hearing is similarly heightened, enabling him to detect sounds that normal human's can't, even at close distances. He can use his sense of smell to track a target by scent, much the same way a wolf, even if the scent has been greatly eroded by natural factors.
- Superhuman Reflexes: Sabretooth's reflexes are similarly enhanced and are superior to those of the finest human athlete.
- While the exact limits are not known Sabretooth has shown he is sufficiently strong to lift in excess of 800 lbs.
Superhuman Stamina: Sabretooth's mutant healing factor augments his musculature to the degree that it produces less fatigue toxins during physical activity than the musculature of a normal human. Much like his strength, the limits of his physical stamina aren't clear. He can exert himself at peak capacity for at least several hours before the build up of fatigue toxins in his blood begin to impair him.
- Claws and Fangs: Sabretooth possesses a single retractable claw at the tip of each finger. Even under natural conditions, the claws are razor sharp and are capable of cutting most conventional materials including flesh, bone, wood, stone, and many types of metals. Sabretooth also possesses elongated, canines that he can use effectively as weapons within close quarter combat.
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| - Terrorist, formerly Weapon X agent
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