| - A politician with Ultimate Job Security. No matter how incompetent or corrupt, that person cannot be thrown out of office. Perhaps because there's no one to fire them (who fires the King of a Kingdom?), or perhaps because no one will run against them. Or maybe their corruption is part of the reason they can cling to their office. Lastly, they may simply use the population's general apathy. In episodic media, this may overlap with Vetinari Job Security: the politician (more often incompetent than corrupt in those cases) does get replaced-- and his replacement proves far worse, thus the heroes have to try and get the previous buffoon back into power. Just the First Citizen is often when the dictator poses as this. No Real Life Examples, Please. In Real Life democracies, it is not even possible to be elected "permanently" into office considering that the official has to go through re-elections and all that, especially if the office in question has term limits. One could stay in office for a long time if there are no term limits on his position, although the official still have to have a good approval rating to stay put. The only official that can perhaps stay "permanently" in office would be a full-fledged dictator, and dictators are not what this trope is about. Examples: