| - Dhayuts are highly aggressive and very mean. They are proven to be treacherous partners, betraying their allies whenever their needs have been filled or no longer require their services. They reproduce slower than the average arachnid, this is probably due to their large bodies and Dhayut children needing a lot of food to get that big. When Dhayuts are angry, they become frenzied and temporarily insane, thus appearing rabid or wild. when this event happens they become extremely dangerous, totally fearless of death. Dhayuts are infamous for their ruthlessness. They generally have no remarks about stealing, cheating or murdering if it furthers their own interests. The Dhayuts need for resources for their armada has led them to develop the Velocity Drive ST3, an extremely fast and efficient hyper drive.The preferred worlds of Dhayuts are dry rocky planets, but are known to colonize swamp and continental worlds. During the first invasion of the Shakturi ,the Dhayuts allied with the Shakturi in an insectoid only alliance known as the Shakturi Axis. Once the Shakturi were wipe out due the plague made by the Freedom Alliance, the Dhayuts lost the technology of ftl travel thus many were stranded on former colony worlds with no way to contact the homeworld. During the second invasion, they and the rest of former Axis members were targeted for abandoning the Shakturi in the first invasion.