| - The band was active from 1976 to 1980 and they were one of the most prolific bands of all time. They were infamous for having released a staggering 56 albums in the 4 years they were together. Their hit single Love Will Bring Us All Together, was named "happiest song of all time" by the British music weekly NME (New Musical Express).
- Joy Division(ジョイ・ディヴィジョンJoi Divijon) is the Stand of Sogliola Lopez. It appears in GioGio's Bizarre Adventure 2: Golden Heart, Golden Ring.
- Joy Division bola Anglická rock 'n' rollová skupina. Ako už názov („radostný oddiel“) naznačuje, jej texty boli veľmi optimisticky ladené (často až humorné). Zostavu skupiny tvorili spevák a sem tam gitarista Ian Curtis, gitarista a sem tam klávesák Bernard Albrecht, basgitarista Peter Captain Hook a bubeník Steve Morriss.
- Joy Division foi unha banda inglesa de post-punk formada en 1976 en Salford, Greater Manchester. Orixinalmente chamouse "Warsaw", e estaba formada por Ian Curtis (voces e guitarra ocasional), Bernard Sumner (guitarra e teclados), Peter Hook (baixo e coros) e Stephen Morris (batería e percusión). Joy Division evoluiu rapidamente dende as súas primeiras influencias punk rock, para desenvolver un son e un estilo que foi pioneiro no movemento post-punk de finais dos anos 70.
- Joy Division era un grup de post-punky liderat pel suicidista Ian Cutis. La seva música es caracteritzava per l'ús de guitarres desafinades, desentonacions constants de tots els """músics""", lletres sense rima, l'ús de drogues, etc. Sens dubte van marcar un abans i un després en la música post-punky, ningú abans s'havia atrevit a pujar en un escenari sense tan poc a dir ni ballar com los chunguitus.
- Ian Curtis (Gian Cortese all'anagrafe) è il famoso cantante del gruppo Joy Division; nome spesso italianizzato in Gioiamo delle divisioni. Egli è nato in un piovoso giorno di ottobre di una data imprecisata, in una casa di cura per malati psichici. Fin da piccolino Gian era propenso all'oscurità. Nella culla amava spesso brancolare nel buio, ma con il passare degli anni la culla iniziò a stargli stretta e si trasferì in una megavilla nei dintorni di Milano. La particolarità di questa abitazione, oltre al fatto di essere situata sull'orlo di un'abisso (vedi William Hope Hodgson n.d.), è che le mura esterne erano completamente dipinte di nero da un famoso imbianchino dell'epoca, Jack Nicholson. Gian aveva diversi Hobby, primo fra tutti quello di lanciarsi dall'abisso attaccato a una corda le
- Joy Division were an English post-punk band formed in 1976 in Salford, Greater Manchester. Originally named Warsaw, the band primarily consisted of Ian Curtis (vocals and occasional guitar), Bernard Sumner (guitar and keyboards),[1] Peter Hook (bass guitar and backing vocals) and Stephen Morris (drums and percussion).
- Joy Division were an English rock band formed in 1976 in Salford, Greater Manchester. Originally named Warsaw, the band primarily consisted of Ian Curtis (vocals and occasional guitar),Bernard Sumner (guitar and keyboards), Peter Hook (bass guitar and backing vocals) and Stephen Morris (drums and percussion).
- Joy Division were a post-punk band formed in 1976 in Manchester from an earlier congregation called Warsaw. They took their name from the prostitution wing of a Nazi concentration camp (actually from references in the novelized account of life in such a camp, House of Dolls), and the lyrics of their songs constantly detailed broken relationships and the futility of existence: the music was often suitably minor key and highly emotive. The line-up consisted of Ian Curtis (vocals and occasional guitar), Bernard Sumner (a.k.a. Albrecht, guitar), Peter Hook (bass) and Stephen Morris (drums). Throughout their relatively short lifespan, they released stark, rhythmic singles, at first independently and then on the Factory label (the myth propounded by late owner Tony Wilson that he signed them and